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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Nice to be out there Gary. Well done. Dolphins are an amazing sight - I remember seeing them in the east Wight on a couple of occasions. Magical. Fingers crossed a new cable solves your engine behaviour. 🤞
  2. Andy135

    Gone West

    Lovely report. Well done, it sounds like a great weekend. That starfish.... WTF? Definitely looks alien! 👽
  3. Same as @Saintly Fish, leech-like suckers on rays, but rare.
  4. Good session! Well done. Sounds like you covered some miles to find the fish - good effort. 👍
  5. What's the transducer? Tripleshot/TotalScan/Active Imaging? And what's the fault? Does the unit not recognise the side/downscan views or does it display them but poorly? Has he checked all the pins in the cable for corrosion and/or breakages? Any nicks in the cable itself?
  6. Andy135


    Sounds like a good day out. Well done 👍
  7. Sounds like a nice simple fix. Thanks for sharing the solution. Hopefully will help out others with this issue 👍
  8. Good luck! Fingers crossed for good weather and good results for you.
  9. Yep, seems as though this is one of their lines of thinking. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-65807339
  10. That's a neat site. Not heard of it before but I've now bookmarked it for future use - thanks! 👍
  11. Great work Luke! Well done to you and your crew. Smiles all round - what more can anyone ask for?! 👍
  12. Andy135


    Nice little session. Good work 👍
  13. Yes, Google earth satellite view for looking for marks. Mostly I stick to sheltered bays on the south coast near Dartmouth or north coast around Padstow.
  14. Well, back again (I'm typing this from the beach) but nothing worth taking. Lots of sandeels, sand smelt and undersized spider crabs though, and spotted a nice ballan wrasse amongst the kelp.
  15. Good luck with the changeover Jon. Would be a good topic for a "How to" guide. 👍
  16. Yes, very pleased. And very lucky too! I'll be back there again this afternoon to see what else is about. I've seen bass there in the past so let's see. I need to explore more areas so will look out for a headland mark as you suggest 👍
  17. Spose you'd need to catch something first... 😱
  18. You never taken the only fish you caught?
  19. Ooh, that spider looks good. Must have been well in size. Did you keep it for the pot?
  20. Come off it. If he were to return you'd be first in line at Heathrow arrivals, waving your "Welcome Home Jon" banner and wearing your best heels and lippy.
  21. Wow! We've all had bad days at work but... 😶
  22. It's a very odd situation. Now seems to be an adult under arrest. Some sort of nutter harming people?
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