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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Eek! That sounds drastic! Best of luck whatever happens 👍
  2. Andy135


    As Neil has already said, the quick fix is for the user to edit slightly before posting. I don't know why this seems to happen for some iPhone users or what Apple have done to their photo orientation settings on the 11. Outlaws is on a cloud-based "forum-as-a-service" platform so we have no access to Invision's servers for a script to run on, meaning a solution would instead have to involve a change request to Invision to implement across all their cloud-based fora. No telling how long this may take, or even if it would get implemented at all. I'll ask them if they have a fix in their backlog already but I'm not holding my breath... 😖
  3. Andy135


    Quality fishing Josh, as usual! Well done 👍
  4. I live about a 90 min drive from my boat. Always have done so I don't know any different. Would I love to be nearer the boat? Of course, but being close is not why I go boating, it's the love of the sea, the boat and the adventure of not knowing what I'll catch - and I'm prepared to travel for that. If you feel the same, I'd be surprised if you decide to just stop boating - if anything I suspect you'll find you start to value your trips out all the more - the harder you have to work for something the sweeter it becomes. That said, only you can decide what trade-offs you're prepared (or able) to make. I guess it depends on how good the new job is. Derbyshire is indeed a long way from the sea. If it were me I'd look to move the boat as close as possible and see how it goes doing the commute to the boat. If it really doesn't work out you can always sell it but at least you gave it a try. You might surprise yourself. Good luck in whatever you choose.
  5. Well, that's Alan's Intro post well and truly side-tracked! 🤣 @alan stevens, apologies for taking your thread off topic. That seems to happen a lot on here. Normal service to be resumed 👍
  6. So why not say that then if that's what you meant? 🤣 Stalking you? No... just keeping an eye on you like a jealous girlfriend now that you've shacked up with Tadpole...
  7. He already has Jon - it's in his original post! #shouldhavegonetospecsavers
  8. Hi Alan, Welcome to the forum. We have a couple of Essex-based boat anglers on here, so I'm sure they'll be in touch when they're short-handed. I've just taken a look at your blog - very nice! Three cheers for the humble whiting, and let's not forget the dogfish either - the blanker's best friend 😉
  9. As I was tidying up the boat after we'd got back I got chatting to two very nice gentlemen who were admiring Jersey Girl and who had visited Offshore Outlaws as guests (I.e. not yet joined as members). In case you're reading this, I just wanted to say it was good talking with you and hope to see you on here in future 👍👍
  10. I've never been but keen to go... Outlaws do Norway next season??
  11. Yep, no blanks therefore it must have been a good day by definition 👍
  12. Korma has never yet given me the shits. Too mild to do any damage.
  13. Top result and top report Swampy 👍. Sounds like you made the right calls and were justly rewarded. Well done to you and to your deckie today. He must have been pleased to have persevered. Top dangling 🎣👍
  14. So... any chance of a catch report Spence? At least you had something nice and shiny to show off today 😉👍
  15. What you on about? It made perfect sense to me! @SiDfish, another quality post. Many thanks 👍
  16. Well, this was meant to be a report stuffed full of monster wreck conger and double figure cod... but clearly the fish and the weather missed that particular memo. @Saintly Fishand I set off from Gosport this morning full of anticipation and enjoying the calm conditions to the east of the IoW. But we arrived at the Camberwell to find a nasty 1m swell rolling in from the SW which made for a couple of very uncomfortable drifts. We gave up on the idea of anchoring the wreck and instead sought shelter in Sandown Bay. We had a quick chat with @iowspence on the way in and he suggested a mark for us to try (Thanks Spence 👍). We dropped the hook and within moments we had a pout on a worm bait, followed by several strap conger - blanks avoided! Just as the mark seemed to be warming up the bites dried out, so instead of waiting it out, we headed back east to Dean Tail to a favourite mark of mine - I call it the Kennel. No sooner had our baits touched the bottom than we were into a pack of dogfish... I was in seventh heaven! 🐶 To punctuate the dogfish, and to our surprise, we both reeled in spider crabs, a few casts apart. Could even have been the same crab, as they both had two missing legs. A couple more strap congers each and we called it a day. A bit underwhelming, frankly, but let's face it... a day on the water is never wasted. @JonC, it was a shame you couldn't make it (he stood me up for a better offer), but you didn't miss much. We looked for you as we passed Blockhouse this morning but I'm guessing you were still tucked up somewhere snug with @Tadpole??
  17. Andy135

    Cardiff cod

    Quality fish those! If only I could report a similar catch from our session today. 👍 #morethanslightlyenvious
  18. Ah yes, the lesser spotted Mako Skark. Vicious little blighter that pops up when you least expect it!
  19. Sounds like all that fast living and fast women are catching up with you GPS... 😉
  20. Lol. Fisty is mis-using his Admin privileges tonight 🤣
  21. Well, it made me let out a little bit of wee. Tena/10
  22. We'll be south of the island so will give you a shout on 10 when we get there.
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