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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Just stumbled across these two. A bit of retro Belgian hard house for the weekend 🤣 @Saintly Fishmight recognise some of the tracks (@15.30, @27.20, @37.30 and @55.40). Now on my TV/second monitor in the background whilst I work. #gettingintotheweekendspirit!
  2. That is truly terrible... 2.5 out of 10, and that's being generous. Suggest you sit in a quiet corner and have a think about what you've done.
  3. I see you have an injection pump too Dave! Got any pics of the finished lures?
  4. Welcome to the forum. Here you can find information and advice on recreational boating and saltwater angling across the UK.The original Offshore Outlaws forum was set up in late 2019 as a place for a few of us to call home after becoming disenchanted with other forums online, and we've recently moved to our new home here at offshoreoutlaws.co.uk. We feel strongly that users should have the right of free speech, without moderation. That's not to say that we tolerate hate speech or other antagonistic behaviour, but rather we feel that we should be able to enjoy fishing- and boating-related banter and discourse without having a moderator breathing down our necks. This means that you won't be told to mind your language or stop taking the mickey out of other members - we believe that being able to speak freely and indulge in well-intentioned banter is a core part of what makes forum membership fun.That said, we expect members to behave as adults; personal insults, bullying or undue criticism of members don't sit well with us and whilst no-one will moderate what you say here, they will let you know if they think you've overstepped the mark. Consider it "moderation by your peers" .We're actively looking to grow the site and and all members are actively encouraged to invite new joiners to the site - the more the merrier and the stronger the site will become.All suggestions for site improvements and future enhancements are welcome too. Good ideas always rise to the top, so don't be shy about making a suggestion: PM's to @Andy135We hope you enjoy Offshore Outlaws - tight lines!
  5. What sort of species do you get round there then? I don't know much about that part of the coast.
  6. She looks very capable. Good purchase 👍
  7. 🤣🤣🤣👍👍 Love you Jon, whatever shape you are 😘
  8. Welcome Gary. Good to have you on board 👍
  9. That's a coincidence. I invited you to fish for ling on the Camberwell but then I uninvited you for being too fat 🐽.
  10. Do they take pout or whiting? Cant get mackerel at all round here.
  11. Yes, but it can't get snagged by a pot rope cos its inside its turbine housing innit!
  12. But it has nothing to do with the will of God. It's all to do with the will of Geoff... Just saying... 😉
  13. Agreed. No prop to get snagged and can stop in an instant (reverse thrust). Desirable characteristics. @Odyssey, is it the engine or the jet drive unit itself that is unreliable?
  14. What would the advantage be? Fuel consumption?
  15. There's a first time for everything Jon.
  16. So... what are you doing on Sunday? Oh... wait...
  17. Frankly, I agree! Mine's a proper angling boat; not enough soft furnishings, cushions or carpets to be considered "posh" 😉
  18. Yep, a bit dark. Guess the artist is a cat person, not a dog person.
  19. Yes, I'd heard they were tasty. Keen to try one... if I can catch one 🤞
  20. And outboards every time. Cox diesel outboard would be ace!
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