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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. My strong recommendation is that you invest in a Blue Sea Mini Add a Battery kit (https://www.cactusnav.com/bluesea-mini-battery-p-15255.html). It takes alternator outputs up to 65A which is more than enough. For context, my Suzuki DF300 alternator puts out 54A. The Add A Battery kit is a fit and forget solution to battery charge management and also allows battery isolation and combination with an On/Off/Combine switch. I fitted one to my Predator 165 and it was a simple install with the instructions they provide.
  2. Another vote for HTO here - this time the Shore Game.
  3. Welcome Graham! I remember you from WSF - I think I remember reading catch reports from Joe-SW when you took him out for some productive sessions luring for bass from your boat if my memory serves. Good to have you on board. We're just starting out on here so feel free to take a look around and join in. 👍
  4. Good work. Having done the same myself I did wonder if you'd find it easier than expected - there's literally nothing more than a few bolts holding the axle to the chassis in most cases.
  5. FFS this thread is about the safe disposal of emergency pyrotechnics, not your DIY fashion modifications. 🙈
  6. With added chance of electrocution 🌩️
  7. It's not just one tune though Neil! It's a whole set of crap tunes!!
  8. Dad joke alert! Sit in the corner and think about what you've done.... 🤦‍♂️
  9. Anyone know what do do with flares that are past their expiry? And before anyone suggests it... no, I won't be setting them off for fun. I seem to remember that some RNLI stations used to take them, but I can't recall which ones or even if they still do it.
  10. Seems to have taken a turn for the worse again. No real prospect of getting out for at least a couple of weekends... 😭 Better dust off the beachcaster and get tramping the shingle... 😕
  11. Yep, for me it's outboards only. 1. it's easier to free the prop if it gets a rope round it, and 2. it's easier (and dare I say cheaper?) to re-engine if ever the need arose.
  12. Yep, I reckon Jersey must be fished out. No bass left... for us danglers 🤣
  13. Poor Gonzo! What a sacrifice! Those squid look delicious though. Nicely done But I have to say that your memory is failing you Dave, it wasn't my 50th! It was my 60th!! 😋
  14. I think you're missing the point. It's less about saving money and more about finding stuff that we can't get over here Jon. Clearly no one would buy stuff from the US that we can already get here, but for those items that aren't available here (e.g. my Stormr foul weather jacket, or my Accurate BX-2 twin-drag) Tackle Direct offers an easy way to buy from the US, complete with pre-paid import duties.
  15. Okaaaay, not really what I had in mind but thanks for sharing nonetheless... 🤣
  16. In case any of you are in the market for tackle from the US. http://enews.tackledirect.com/q/lMhoqQEbTrtFERJv08fFW8qaW4SfbheHWo8DAz3XNQJ3QUaQl0WY_fLLZ
  17. Thought I'd share a boating fail for you all to point and laugh at. @Tadpole and I were heading back from St Cats one afternoon when all of a sudden the engine revs drop and it splutters off. In the ensuing silence, Tadpole and I look at each other with a sense of impending alarm. Before breaking out our swimwear I check the basics, starting with the vent on the fuel tank. Nope, it's wide open, so clearly not the problem, but I happen to notice that the fuel line connector seems to look a bit different, and I find that it's not fully pushed home! What a donkey! I must have failed to click it into place properly when changing the tanks over and it's not actually been sucking any fuel - we must have used up the fuel in the filter bowl and lines before conking out. Upon connecting it properly the engine spins into life and we heave a huge sigh of relief. Call of shame to Sea Start avoided, we make our way home without further incident, other than a bruised ego and a lesson learned. I'm sure the Outlaws must have some good stories to share, so let's hear them.
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