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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. I honestly don't know how he manages to stick it out down there 🤷‍♂️. If it were me I'd be on the first plane back to Blighty.
  2. It's half term so we headed down to Cornwall for a few days with extended family and took the kids to Harbour Cove on the Camel estuary. There was a brief 30 minute window over slack where I could get the spearfishing gear out, so off I went. Not more that 10 mins in the water and I spy a flatfish on the sandy bottom in about 6m of water. I dived about half way down, pulled the trigger and got him squarely in the middle, behind the head. A nice, plate-sized flounder. Another 20 mins swimming but nothing else to be seen, so back to the beach I went, before the tide started to turn. He was filleted, dusted in flour, salt and pepper then pan-fried until the skin was crispy. Served four adults as a starter and he was delicious.
  3. It's such a shame that we collectively as anglers can't pick up after ourselves. Brings us into such disrepute. 😒 Well done for clearing up after them and bagging some bait to boot 👍
  4. Good plan. I'm sure he'll have a helpful recommendation for you.
  5. That looks uncomfortable. Is the skin broken too, or just peeling? Either way, it needs time to heal.
  6. Tight lines @JDP 👍
  7. Good effort not toasting the boy. And well done on the fishing - sounds like a decent session 👍
  8. Have you checked your kill switch too? Could be that it's worn a little and is breaking contact when it shouldn't, thus isolating the starting circuit.
  9. We had such high hopes for you, but you've thrown your lot in with the wrong'uns. 🤣
  10. Agree with @Saintly Fish, a good session and a fitting way to pay your respects.
  11. A good day's drifting, despite the bad news. Well done for posting a report on what was obviously a difficult day.
  12. Agreed. Upon re-reading the original post, if 4.12 is an exclusion clause then yes, incursion of water could reasonably have been foreseen if a cover wasn't used; it's not sudden or unforeseen, nor accidental. Their view will be that the bilge pump simply mitigates the ingress of water that shouldn't reasonably have been allowed in there in the first place, and if the cover had been used then the fact that the bilge pump had stopped working would be immaterial.
  13. Wow! That's impressive stuff in the context of the Falklands then. Kudos to you and the rest of the crew patching the hole. 👍👍
  14. Hi Paul, welcome to the forum. That's quite a first post. Sorry to hear you're having issues with your insurer - some may say that that is par for the course with any insurer (they exist to make profit at the end of the day, not to pay out to their policy-holders). I see where you're coming from in respect of the consequential losses arising from the bilge pump failing, and it seems logical to me to pursue this line with the insurer. However, be aware that they may have a clause that requires policy-holders to take "all reasonable steps to mitigate losses" or equivalent wording, which in your case could be to have used a boat cover. I can see a potential outcome where they relent and agree to the claim, but reduce the payout significantly because they deem you to have contributed to the losses by not using a cover. At that point it would depend on whether you want to take them to court over it, or just chalk it up to experience and move on. How much is the cost to dry out/rewire/replace damaged items? If we're talking just a few thousand I might take the pragmatic view that it's unfortunate but not worth throwing good money after bad (and I suspect they may know this and are deliberately making it hard for you in the hope you do give up). Either way it's not a nice situation - good luck whatever you decide.
  15. Nice looking boat. Thanks for sharing 👍
  16. How did the trip go? Put up a catch report. 👍
  17. What and where was that? Guessing a naval vessel? Tell us the story behind the photo.
  18. Welcome @Spicefish. There's some good fishing out of Chichester Harbour. Tight lines and stay safe 👍
  19. Agree with the above. Careful line management will help you avoid tip wrapping. I have a spiral wrapped rod (Temple Reef Gravitate II) and it's certainly not foolproof when it comes to being tip wrapped. Good jigging technique will help though. The guy in the video below is a bit annoying but he does demonstrate good technique by keeping the line under tension with no flappy loops floating about.
  20. Welcome Keith. Good to have another SJP convert on board 👍
  21. LH multi's every time. It makes no sense to me to use your weaker/less dextrous arm to pump the rod.
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