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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Very lucky, all things considered. Hope that's drawn a line under it for you both 👍
  2. Jon, I get where you're coming from. I'm feeling the same just now about shooting. When if first got into clays (many years ago) I was mad keen, then got my own gun, then got into game shooting, then got more guns. I was all over it like a rash. I was shooting whenever and wherever I could, and was travelling the country to do so, putting teams of guns together to shoot at any and every opportunity. Now, I can take it or leave it and in fact I get more enjoyment out of working my dog on a shoot rather than shooting myself. Its natural for one's tastes to change and evolve. Don't feel bad for letting go of something you used to love. You'll either find your mojo again or you'll move onto something that you find equivalent enjoyment from. And frankly I don't blame you for finding that red tape sucks the satisfaction out of doing rescue work. It would drive me nuts!
  3. Yep, I reckon we definitely need a "puke" option in the "like" menu!
  4. Now that sounds like a great day afloat! Great report and lovely pics 👍 And a thorny on a lure! Who'd have thought!?!
  5. Is that a factory or aftermarket air filter? I'm wondering whether your engine has a crankcase breather that is supposed to route into the air box after the filter, so that the oil mist is burned rather than vented to atmosphere. Green credentials and all that...
  6. Quoting this for posterity... 🤣🤣🤣
  7. I meant how can I tell if the boat is made of polyester or epoxy? I already know I've got tins of both.
  8. That makes sense Geoff - thanks. I like your idea of melamine to face into the hole from the top surface. I also have some polyester resin and woven mat that came in a car body repair kit I bought years ago. How can I tell if what I have is polyester or epoxy? Is there a way to tell when they're in situ?
  9. Thanks Geoff. Yes, there is access on both sides of the holes. One hole is a cable access hole of around 50-60mm diameter, the other is the hole that will be left by the HDS8 plotter when I remove it - 250x180mm with radiused corners. Why is it recommended to match polyester with polyester? And given that I've already bought the epoxy kit, is there any show-stopping reason why I couldn't use it?
  10. There are a couple of holes in the helm of my boat that I need to fill. The helm thickness itself is about 25mm (about 5mm of glass, then a plastic honeycomb matrix of about 12mm, then a thinner layer of glass on the underside). I've just bought a basic glassing kit and all I need to achieve is a flat surface - doesn't need to be colour matched. What should I look out for/be aware of when attempting this? I've not done any glassing before.
  11. What a beauty! That's a fish of a lifetime. They don't make 'em like that any more, sadly. What did she take? Some form of lure I'm guessing? Post up the story in the PB Gallery here: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/28-pb-gallery/
  12. Those speeds are very respectable. In practice, 20kts seems to be about right for comfortable cruising. Yes, those consumption figures could be improved on with a newer engine, but it would take literally forever to make the cost of the new engine back in fuel savings so upgrading probably isn't an economically sensible move, unless there are other motivating factors e.g. reliability or terminal failure of your current engine. But if neither are an issue then I'd say stick with what you have 👍
  13. Welcome John. We have another Outlaw here, @Jupiters Moon, who fishes out of Littlehampton too. That's an impressive beast in your profile pic! What weight did it go to??
  14. Welcome Moonlighter! Glad to have you with us. She's a good looking boat - I've not seen an Icelander before. Looks very capable and a full height cuddy too? Bet she keeps you out of the weather nicely, and I bet she goes well with a 75 on the back? 👍
  15. What a shame Luke! It's changeable here too. Saturday was looking doable, but overnight it's kicked up. Aiming for Sunday now I think.
  16. @JDP, how do you find the Panoptix ducer? Given that the US Lake fishing market tends to dominate product direction for the recreational sonar manufacturers I wonder how it works in the deeper waters we all fish in i.e. greater than your average lake depth. Does it offer better fish-finding ability? Would you say it's a game changer for you?
  17. Wishing Joyce the best possible outcome, and thinking of you too Geoff. It can be hard going as the "other half".
  18. Ah thank you! That was the site I was struggling to remember the name of when replying to Swampy. It's a great resource. @jonnyswamp, the link that GPS posted has everything you need to know about slow jigging. 👍
  19. So what's new? We're boat owners 😖🤣
  20. The Pirate 21 was my front runner when I was looking for my next boat. As it happens I went for something that's basically a bigger version of the Pirate 21. The Pirate is fast, trailerable and can take a lot of sea. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better boat for the money, and if you're selling two boats to buy one, there's a good chance you can get one for low £20k's. You might have to wait for the right boat to come along though. They didn't make a lot of them, and they don't come onto the market that often - I guess because their owners like to keep hold of them.
  21. Not bloody likely! She's a keeper! ....for now... 😉
  22. Don't encourage him. He'll be unbearable if he thinks he's something special... 🙄
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