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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. I'm led to understand that to get the proper action for the lures to work properly a jigging rod is best, but they can be quite reasonable in cost. Take a look at the HTO Slizzle Jizzle rod - less than £70. https://www.lureheaven.co.uk/spinning-lure-fishing-shop/HTO-Slizzle-Jizzle-6-6--230g-Rod-4085.html Reels are less essential but they recommend narrow/light reels with big cranking power. The proper technique involves lifting the rod and reel high above your head to allow the lure to flutter downwards for as long as possible as you let the rod tip drop down to the surface of the water, hence narrow, light reels to minimize weight. More details here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.jigabite.co.uk/Slow%20Pitch%20Jigging%20Explained.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj1gKuhvezsAhUERxUIHYAhCVkQFjANegQIGBAB&usg=AOvVaw1RARZ3wFWwevQqyThESUEm
  2. Dad joke alert! FFS... 🙄
  3. Well... I'm great at catching weed 👍
  4. Sport England has confirmed that fishing is allowed, and that travel for fishing is permitted From this page: https://www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/coronavirus/return-play/frequently-asked-questions-about-national-coronavirus
  5. Basically yes. Specialist rods and reels, and lures that are designed to flutter downwards, attached direct to the main line. Different technique to using them too, one which I suck at, so can't really comment on the best way to work a slow jig but like the name suggests they flutter slowly down through the water column representing a dead or dying baitfish.
  6. I love it when they swim backwards - looks cool.
  7. I love a good tug from a conger. Their attitude is part of what I like about them, but then... I've yet to be bitten by one 😬
  8. Good work on the catches! Some nice fish there 👍 Lure vest looks good too!
  9. Any newbies fancy an Outlaws sticker?
  10. I do hope so!! #theyremyfavourite
  11. How many Outlaws anchor a wreck then? Or do you prefer to drift them? I'm a drifter, but I plan to anchor one or two of my local wrecks and fish them just to see what other species might be in residence.
  12. Andy135


    Another old one but still funny. 7/10. 👍
  13. Got something stuck in your throat there Neil..?? 🐸
  14. I literally cannot wait!!! Woohoo!! Thanks Spence! 👍🦈
  15. Ooh! Bribery will get you everywhere Spence - it's a deal 🤣
  16. I really want to give you a "Like" for that but I just can't.... bring myself... to... click the... button! 😁
  17. 🤣🤣 surely you're not gonna take that lying down Spence?? 🤭
  18. Yeah, but are they shielded? My light will be fixed within about 6 inches of the VHF aerial cable and I don't want the LED's to interfere with VHF transmission or reception. Shielded lights are why they cost a bit more.
  19. "Bob Cox is the second cousin of which relatively unknown Essex dangler with a penchant for KFC?"
  20. Either your fingers aren't working so well or you've been hanging out with Pete for too long Luke. 🤣
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