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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. And we'd lock the door behind you if you did go. We've been looking for an excuse to boot you... 🤣
  2. @Johnboijon, I originally posted the below on our old Outlaws forum site - just dug it out and re-posted it here in case it helps you or anyone else. I recently invested in a C-Map Max N+ card with their new Reveal layer - one of the guys in my club had sent round a Whatsapp image of his plotter showing some amazing images of the sea floor so I wanted to see for myself. I consider myself a Navionics fan because of their detailed contours, but the C-Map Reveal sea floor interpretation takes this to the next level. This first image is just south of the Owers, off Selsey Bill. That great big hole shows up nice and clearly, including the steep face of the NNW wall of the hole. Got to be worth a drift over that. And below is a close up of the wreck from the image above. Here's an image of a wreck that I had marked on my plotter already showing good correlation between my bow and stern marks and the underlying sea floor mapping. I reckon C-Map have licensed some of the sea-floor mapping data from the DORIS site as the C-Map coverage (or rather the gaps in coverage) of the St Catherine's Deep area are pretty much identical to DORIS's, which can't be a coincidence. The Reveal layer could be a great way to find that little patch of unfished rough ground that doesn't show up on a regular chart. I already have a few marks picked out in my neck of the woods to try out.
  3. Jon, I suspect you're right - it smacks of paranoia on their part but as you say, it's just about sharing the knowledge as far as anglers are concerned.
  4. Welcome to the Offshore Outlaws! Good to have you with us. Sorry to hear that the mods are in overdrive back on the other site. You'll find it a bit (a lot!) more relaxed over here. Go ahead and post up an Intro post, and maybe start a post on your C-Map question - we'll do our best to help.
  5. @Johnboijon, care to say hello?
  6. Well, he's just registered on here today 🤣
  7. Oh, and sorry to hear that you've been frisked by a mod Swampy. Never a pleasant experience at the best of times.
  8. Who was the poster asking about C-Map? I may be able to help him... if we can get him across somehow.
  9. The profile photo is what shows up by your name in every post you make, instead of the green circle with an "O" in it in your case. Used to be known as an Avatar on Proboards.
  10. You've added a photo to your profile page, which is not the same as a profile photo. 😉
  11. That's a good one Fishy. Here's another from the same era.
  12. Yep, if you look very closely in my pics, you can just make out where I've nailed her paws to the floor... ...this may not be true 🤣
  13. I've not used the new blue Kenzaki's but I have four of the older orange ones and you're spot on - they are nicely soft and a little lighter than their stated line classes. Oh, and welcome to the forum. Post up an Intro on the Introductions thread and tell us a bit about yourself. Where do you fish, for what species etc 👍
  14. Either the members add their profile pics Jon.... or the Admins do it for them??!! #dealerschoice 😉🤭
  15. Hmm, neither are my cup of tea to be truthful, but if I had to pick one, I'd go for the Springsteen version.
  16. Edit: By now, you've probably seen the notification message upon logging in. Currently, adding a profile photo is an optional step, but next week they'll become required for all members, meaning you won't be able to log into the site until you've uploaded a profile photo. If you already have a photo uploaded, you won't see any notifications and will be able to log in as normal. You can choose any picture you want - yourself, your dog, your best fish, anything, as long as the image size is 500kb or under. We're making profile photos required as we feel it will help to make the site more friendly and personal as we continue to grow. Looking forward to seeing all your profiles! Well, we've been on the new site for over two weeks now and we've done a great job of generating lots of good and interesting content. Well done Outlaws! But... a fair few of us haven't uploaded a profile photo yet. Naming no names, can we take less than 30 seconds to upload a photo to help bring some personality to our profiles please? It's easy to do. Just click on your profile circle in the top right of your screen, then click the Image icon on your profile page, the find and upload a pic of your choice. 👍👍
  17. Thanks, and yes, isn't that is the sad truth of boat ownership - the "endless list"!
  18. Some form of internet-based TV is probably your best option then. Either that or a really long aerial!
  19. That's good insight Jon. Thanks 👍 I might try both and see what works best. I'm thinking of using it for general fishing as well as for sharks.
  20. We used to have BT TV but didn't bother renewing when I found that all the channels we regularly watched were available on Freeview anyway. So we just use that, plus Netflix and Prime subs now. For internet we use Gigaclear fibre cable and our landline is also internet based now too.
  21. 😝 The whole boat is wonky. They put her on the service rack with a lean to port.
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