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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. I use some of their 4 strand Kairiki on a large uptiding fixed spool. Not a bad braid at all. What's the 8 strand like? Does it feel noticeably smoother? Abrasion resistance ok?
  2. To be fair, she needed it! She didn't seem impressed with all the rocking and rolling we were doing. What you didn't see after you left is that no sooner had we got onto the gang way up to the exit than she let go the world's biggest shit right in front of two yachties wheeling a trolley full of gear! I could have died with embarrassment! Luckily I had a poo bag with me so avoided being brow-beaten as well as being embarrassed 😳😳🤣
  3. Some great pics there! Top work. Yes, I was just a tad nervous! But I needn't have been looking back. She's a very forgiving boat and of course it helped hugely having a more experienced hand on board - many thanks 👍👍
  4. No fish. Already has a stainless prop, and agree, we needed WOT. Will try again on Sunday. Mirror calm conditions forecast but... I've just put another 150 litres in the tanks so she won't be making 40kts I don't reckon!
  5. https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/topic/94-jy177s-shakedown-trip/
  6. Jersey Girl had her engine serviced today, and after having been given a clean bill of health @Saintly Fish and I took her for her first run out on the Solent. Wind was 8-9mph from the NE, so not flat calm but plenty flat enough for a play. We took a couple of mackerel rods with us, more out of hope than expectation... But after a couple of fruitless drifts we decided to move further up the Solent. Upon finding a patch of smooth water it would have been rude not to see what she could do, so we opened her up and watched the plotter as the knots climbed. After making north of 30kts we hit a rough patch and for a moment Neil gets airborne, floating like an astronaut in zero gravity 🤣. After coming back down to earth I give him the helm and we try another run - we make 35kts with rpms to spare but we run out of smooth water so back off the throttle. Neil then has a play with the helm and turns her into a series of tight turns... ...at 25kts! She grips the water all the way round, and round, and round! Here's a pic of our trail. Eventually we head back into the marina, stopping to fill up at the fuel jetty. A few little jobs identified (volts could be higher so need to check the House is receiving a charge, need to figure out the best place for the new rod holders, need to tweak the angle of the Active Imaging transducer as it was losing bottom above 10kts) but all in all not a bad way to spend a Friday! Massive thanks to Neil for being my wingman today and for generously buying lunch and celebratory beverages 👍👍 Cheers!
  7. Sorry to disappoint you Ian, but it didn't go bang... it went zoooooooom!!!!
  8. As it happens, we were 😝
  9. No shares, just enjoy their beer. Yeah, must try harder on the old advertising thing... 😉
  10. Welcome Bones! Good to have you here. Sounds like a very productive session - good work. 👍 I have yet to pick up my lure rod this season 😬. Must try harder!
  11. It's nearly 3 tonnes all up with full fuel tanks, which means only 100bhp per tonne. She was reviewed by a boating mag back in the day and they squeezed 41-ish knots out of her.
  12. Funny, I've only ever heard him mention hot dogs...
  13. That is a very nice looking tub! Looks fast, so probably is fast, right?!
  14. Nice! I didn't know you were a dog owner Jon?!
  15. Ah, well if it's boat fishing you're into then you've come to the right place! Please share a a few boat pics here: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/13-show-us-yer-boat/ 👍
  16. Hi there - welcome! Good to have you with us. Outlaws is a new-ish site. I say -ish because the forum was started back in late 2019, but we've only recently (i.e. a few days ago) upgraded our forum software to this new platform. All feedback welcome. 👍 What sort of fishing are you into? Bait or lures, shore or boat?
  17. Thanks - Neil is coming along to point and laugh when everything goes wrong, and to take the credit when everything goes smoothly... Either way, we'll stick up a report.
  18. Andy135


    Welcome Martin! Glad to have you on board. 👍
  19. If the dog gets her bum wet something will have gone wrong... very wrong! 😖
  20. Not long to go until she gets her bum wet! #christmaseve!!
  21. Hello to all the Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club members! Welcome to Offshore Outlaws! Your forum site was influential for us when we were looking for a new home for the Outlaws. We hope you enjoy our small but growing site. Feel free to cross-post your catch reports, asks for help, tackle tips etc. For those who don't know, PBSBAC is Poole's only club dedicated to small boat angling and their site can be found at pbsbac.co.uk. Tight lines all!
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