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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Hello to all the Poole Bay Small Boat Angling Club members! Welcome to Offshore Outlaws! Your forum site was influential for us when we were looking for a new home for the Outlaws. We hope you enjoy our small but growing site. Feel free to cross-post your catch reports, asks for help, tackle tips etc. For those who don't know, PBSBAC is Poole's only club dedicated to small boat angling and their site can be found at pbsbac.co.uk. Tight lines all!
  2. Hello Brian! Welcome (again!) Glad you like the site. PBSBAC's forum site was influential in our decision to go with Invision as our new forum site πŸ‘
  3. Ooh! Good post. Looking forward to seeing the new unit installed πŸ€“
  4. I'm thinking along those lines, yes. A cubby hole for phones/somewhere to put stuff safely out of the way but still easily accessible.
  5. She's no gin palace I'll have you know! 🀣
  6. The hole's not that large...
  7. Both Fishy and I will be there, scrutinising his every move.
  8. I bought these for Jersey Girl as I thought they were the same as the existing ones already installed, but it turns out they're not. I've now sourced matching ones so these are surplus to requirements. Both brand new, one opened for inspection, the other still boxed. Asking Β£50 for the pair.
  9. Posting images on Outlaws is very simple. You can attach your files using the drag & drop functionality at the foot of every new post, or you can browse your hard drive to select the file you want to add to your post. But wherever possible, we try to use linked images from hosting sites or other forums you may have already posted your content on. This is because the running costs of maintaining a site like Offshore Outlaws escalate in line with the volume of files uploaded. Linking to an image from elsewhere doesn't increase our file storage costs and is a great way to ensure that Outlaws can keep going without needing ad revenue to cover costs. So, if you don't want to see ads on Outlaws, think about reducing the file size before you post an image, or try to link to it from elsewhere. Posting from mobile: If you post from a mobile, consider reducing the file size of your image before posting - most phone operating systems allow quick and easy resizing. Open the photo in your phone's Gallery, then Edit the image and crop it slightly (or even just make some other small edit to allow you to see the Save or Re-save option). When Save/Re-saving, you should have the option to choose the image quality or resolution of your new Saved image - select the lowest option and that should enable you to post on Outlaws easily without exceeding the file upload size limit. File sharing with Imgur: To add a link to an image using your computer, right click on the image , then select "Copy Image Address" or your browser's equivalent menu option, then simply paste the image URL into your post editor. This will embed the image directly into your post. This also works with any image URL from across the internet. The image above is hosted in Imgur. File sharing with Flickr: Find the image you've uploaded to Flickr, then click the Share arrow icon on the bottom right of your screen (circled in red below). Then, copy the URL from the dialog box (below) and paste it directly into your post on Offshore Outlaws. Both of the images above are hosted on Flickr. Embedding YouTube videos: If you want to post a video from YouTube, select the "Share" link then paste into your post, then it'll Embed the video where you pasted it. If you just copy the URL from the address bar it only appears as a link. See below - the two URL's are different, and it's the Share link that works.
  10. I have a full service booked in for Friday. Belts, anodes, plugs, the works πŸ‘
  11. I will have an HDS8 and HDS5, plus LSS1 sidescan/downscan module and transducer available shortly. Just need to find something to replace the hole in my dash that the HDS8 will leave. Don't want to take it out until I have a way to cover or utilise the hole.
  12. Thanks Steve - appreciated. On the subject of picture sizes, its deliberately set at 2Mb. We could remove the size limits and let everyone post massive files all day long but.... that would quickly eat up our file storage. We're on a good deal for the site at the moment but the costs quickly escalate when lots of storage is required, so anything we can do to keep file sizes small is appreciated. As Zook says, linking to photos hosted elsewhere is ideal as it enables files of any size to be shown but without using any storage on Outlaws. All the photos I post are linked from Imgur, but other photo hosting sites are out there. πŸ‘
  13. Fingers crossed for you Steve. We had our old steel mains pipe corrode through under the corner of the kitchen floor a few years ago. Rising water bills and a constant hissing sound that only stopped when we isolated the mains supply was the indicator. We lifted the floor by the stopcock and found a small lake underneath! Had to have the mains supply pipe dug out and replaced with blue poly. 😭 Hope you can avoid doing the same 🀞
  14. Some great fish there Luke! Very envious. All I seem to get is doggies 🐢🐢
  15. It's a lovely day on our new site. Hope you all slept well?
  16. Good to have you here Zook πŸ‘
  17. Not enough soft furnishings for him πŸ˜‰
  18. Fisty's bringing them when he visits on Friday.
  19. It's a 2011 engine Jon, with 170 hours on it. Hardly a ticking time bomb at 9 years old?! #famouslastwords!
  20. Daughter and I went out early today to scratch some species at Bullocks Patch. She had a great time. "Faster Daddy, go faster!"Fish weren't playing ball. Just a solitary "bull huss" again for our efforts at the Patch, so we dashed west to Sandown Bay for a drift or two. I got some cracking sonar pics of the Camswan which I'll post up later.To top it off we put the hammer right down on the way back after she kept on asking to go faster... 31 knots over Culver Spit! Woohoo! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I ran out of balls before the rpms did! πŸ‘
  21. Picture the scene... Sunday morning 5am and I'm gently shaking Thomas awake as it's time to head down to the Hamble for a tope and conger session on Tarlach Too with Neil and Leo. Thomas wakes slowly - it was a late night for us all as we returned from France the previous evening. His eyes are red rimmed and he looks dog tired still. As soon as he comes round and remembers the plan for the day he grins and hops out of bed.A quick bite of breakfast, the bait is loaded into the coolbox and we're into the car and off.Neil has a coffee on standby for me when we arrive - very much needed and appreciated! This is the first time Thomas and Leo have met in person - they've previously waved to each other from respective tubs at Browndown - and they click straight away.We finish loading our kit onto the boat and then we're motoring gently off the pontoon and down the Hamble. As we reach the Solent they boys are talking nineteen to the dozen and sharing jokes and gags.Even the skipper gets in on the act... this is a dab apparently. Who knew??We spot some gulls working as we pass Lepe so we make a quick detour in the hope of some fresh bait. The boys get feathering and find a handful of school bass plus one solitary mackerel, which Leo quickly names "Monty". Monty is slipped into the coolbox as we head off to the Needles.We headed for Freshwater Bay to drop the hook and down went the first baits. They soon came back up covered in thick clumps of weed. Not good. The next baits suffer the same fate. And the next. No hope of a fish here, so we pull the anchor and head a bit further south and drift. A couple of bites that don't convert and one decent bass that followed my bait back to the surface is all we get.The kids are getting cooked in the midday heat so we decide to head back past the Needles for a couple of drifts on the Shingles before heading home. Despite seeing a few other boats drifting in the same area we find no fish and call it a day. But on the way back up the Solent the fun really starts for the kids, who are having a whale of a time getting soaked in the spray.Thomas seems to have a knack of taking a wave in the facebut it's all smiles apparently!As we moor up and unload the boat, Thomas says he's had the best day ever and asks whether we can get a boat like Tarlach Too... I finally clock that this was all part of Fishy's cunning plan to turn me into a ferry owner!After his late night and early start, Thomas falls asleep within 5 minutes of getting into the car. Big thanks to Neil and Leo for a great day on the water - Thomas really did have the best day ever!
  22. Brand new C-Map Reveal chart. Still in original packaging. This is the chart with those amazing sea floor interpretations. Works with Lowrance, Simrad and B&G plotters (full list of compatible plotters here: https://www.force4.co.uk/item/C-Map/Reveal-UK/1A30) SOLD
  23. Got a few drifts over the Camswan in Sandown Bay today. Here are a couple of pics, one at 455khz, the other at 800. The banana shape of the first and last pic is because I was trying to correct the drift half way through - doh! Still decent pics though.She's a hungry wreck... I lost 3 rigs on her in 3 drifts. The last pic shows what look like her ribs. No wonder I was losing tackle.
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