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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. The Margiris if I remember correctly. And yes, typical British apathy and/or keyboard warriorism abounded when it was here. Lots of anglers got hot under the collar about it but apparently it was entitled to fish here and had quota to do so.... which tells me the whole system is wrong. There was even talk of taking back control of our waters after Brexit [puts on tin hat and hides from @JonC in case of a dressing down for straying into politics] but according to VesselFinder she was recently working just north of Scotland. https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/details/8301187#:~:text=The current position of MARGIRIS,4 days ago by AIS.
  2. Yes, it was a lovely tub. Very impressive fishing platform. Glad it's not me that has to keep up the marine mortgage payments though!
  3. Woohoo!! Well done you, and Tarlach Too too.
  4. This is helpful - thanks. Might swing the decision in favour of the Takacat with an open transom - e.g. nothing to fill up with water.
  5. Dart Marina never has any free parking spaces. And besides, they wouldn't like my scrappy Skoda rubbing shoulders with all the Range Rovers and Bentleys they seem to have parked up there 🤣
  6. 🤣🤣 Let me guess, the particles are accelerated to around 1,200fps?
  7. Yes, but there's hardly anywhere sensible to launch from in Dartmouth. The public slip is right by the Higher Ferry and with nowhere to park and unload it makes unpacking, inflating and launching a challenge. Then there's Warfleet but that's only available over high water, and still nowhere to park. At Torcross and Beesands there is plenty of parking and convenient access to the slip or the shore for launching.
  8. Which is why I keep having dirty thoughts about a Takacat or F-Rib that I can keep down in Dartmouth and use to zip out to the Skerries. Only a few miles from Torcross or Beesands, which themselves are no more than a 30 mins drive from Dartmouth.
  9. When's your big day? We'll find some other way to mark it then if not in person.
  10. You should have said! If we'd known we could have organised a charter in good time, complete with complementary bar and strippers, but I suppose you'll just have to make do with a high speed ride on your tickler and maybe a happy finish from a turbot.
  11. Good session and good fish. Well done. 👍
  12. Well dangled Steve. It was great to meet you and Mikey finally! I've added in those fish pics of yours. Here's another of the Essex Twins giggling like school-girls round the other side of the boat. It was great to meet @KennyPowers - quality banter and hilarity, and I'm glad to say no fish were molested on this trip! It was a great trip out, well done to @Saintly Fish for arranging the charter/bait/Pete's birthday present, well done to @JonC for bringing half a hundredweight in frozen squid. Well done to @captin slows old outlaw for turning 70 and well done to Mikey and Leo for not puking up 🤢🤣. Oh, and well done to me for finally catching a couple of LDS's. Was worried I was getting out of practice!
  13. Suppose it would depend on the Harbour limits in force wherever you're afloat.
  14. Don't you go breaking any speed limits now.
  15. I don't know about the design of that particular boat but if you can't reach the pump to check for blockages or for removal and testing in a tank, then you don't really have any other choice but to test it with water in the bilge in my view. You may find that you need more water than you think in order to fully submerge the strainer inlet enough for it to prime and start pumping. In case it turns out to be knackered, you can get battery drill powered pumps that you can stick a long hose on to suck out the bilge water. https://www.halfords.com/tools/power-tools-and-accessories/power-tool-accessories/laser-drill-pump-221959.html
  16. I seem to remember him telling me the spare room has been ready for ages and he's on tenterhooks every time the phone rings in case it's you?
  17. Good post. Interesting that rod design and action could be considered "safer" for kayak users. Hadn't thought of that before. And well done for starting a new post for this. @JonC will be pleased! 🤣
  18. Has anyone heard of this before? It popped up on my Google feed and I was surprised not to have heard about this initiative before now. Seems a good thing for coastal communities and for the sport. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/coastal-communities-to-receive-funding-for-recreational-sea-fishing
  19. I don't know for sure. They use various algorithms to serve up content aligned with stuff people have viewed previously e.g. "serve them more of the same", so I'd start with working out what audience segment you want to target - presume music lovers and guitar players. Can you use key words in the description to teach the algorithm what sort of content you're producing, so that it can serve it up to people who have viewed similar stuff previously? I also see clickbait-y video titles being used more and more, so maybe try this too - for example "Young boy breaks fingers playing Master of Puppets!!" is sure to get a few clicks Here's what Google themselves say about boosting YT vids: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/141808?hl=en-GB#:~:text=Use video descriptions and banners,find videos on your channel.
  20. Lovely fish! Well done to the anglers.
  21. You can get your stopwatch out too 😛
  22. Certainly no longer than 2 mins. On average 1 min 30 seconds if you want to be precise about it 😉
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