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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Put the word out in your marina that you caught a PB [insert species of choice] from that mark and watch as it turns into a car park. He won't be able to drop or collect his pots if there's always a dozen small boats anchored up...
  2. So he basically boxed you in, right? Pots across your bows and across your stern? If so then that's plain dangerous. He put you in a position where you risked getting your prop caught in the markers astern whilst drifting after sorting out your anchor issues.
  3. Sorry to hear Mike. That does seem like a piss-take from the commercial. As for who else to report it to, the harbour master might be able to suggest some options once you've spoke with him about it?
  4. At least you got out @Dicky. Good effort for trying πŸ‘
  5. Quality catch @thejollysinker! That'll shut @JDP up for sure. In fact, I can almost see the green glow of envy from down under 🀣
  6. Andy135

    Hi All

    Welcome @lezz. Good to see another trailer boat on here. Must admit I'm strongly considering another trailer boat myself. Tight lines.
  7. Something to do with a better/stronger tide pull further off the sea bed maybe? Works the muppets more vigorously?
  8. Top dangling. Good to hear there was lots of life about. Bodes well for a decent summer season's fishing πŸ‘
  9. A tenner says @GPSguru replies with just one word... "moustache" 🀣🀣
  10. I can see both sides of this. On one hand, walking along the pontoon and onto the boat is hard to beat for convenience. Anti-foul and winter haul outs were not an issue for me on a dry stack, so this really did offer all the upsides of a marina berth and few downsides (cost aside, coming back into the dry-stack pontoons at 4pm on a summer Saturday would usually see boats rafted up or queuing afloat to await a free space alongside, which was a bit of a pain). On the other hand, when I had Apache I always wanted to trailer her to the West Country for a long weekend's fishing but just never got round to it. Not having a tow vehicle for the last couple of years of ownership was a bit of a show-stopper for this to be fair, and I never really felt good about towing anyway, but this could have been solved by more experience towing. What I will say though is that I quickly got bored of beach launching off the trailer single-handedly. There was no pontoon to tie up alongside when I had her, so if I wanted a solo trip I would have to walk the anchor up the beach then stow the trailer and tractor before getting afloat. Just a chore at the best of times, let alone when I'm wondering if she had come adrift and was floating out of Langstone Harbour on a 6kt flood. I'm considering a trailer boat for my next one (along with a vehicle to tow it) and maybe tow it down to Devon for the summer, then over-winter it back on my drive or maybe on a dry-stack on the S. coast for the cod season. Not sure yet, but given that I don't live 5 mins from a marina, I may as well get the benefit of being mobile and therefore more flexible in where I fish. If I have to drive 90 mins to the coast, then if I have a trailer boat I can pick and choose the direction I spend those 90 mins travelling in, rather than going to the same old ground chasing the same old dogfish.
  11. Well dangled Nick. Sounds like a busy session in the end. πŸ‘
  12. Not me. It's Mother's Day this weekend so I'll be in Devon visiting her. Might sneak a lure rod into the car though...
  13. Quality fishing Jon. Well done. Great pics as always as well. πŸ‘
  14. You need a bigger TV then. #allwecanhearisexcuses
  15. We've got friends round during the early part of the evening (postponed from last week remember?) so we're unlikley to be online until 8pm-ish. That said, our friends are also into Fortnite, so I suspect that the boys may be splitscreening at ours before then.
  16. Anyone else on here into Fortnite? New season kicks off tonight 😁
  17. You guys are on fire over there. Well played. πŸ‘ Lovely pics too.
  18. I suppose getting two out of three right isn't bad @JonC...
  19. You know full well what. The rest of us are trying to have a high-brow discussion about maritime poetry and all you can do is copy/paste lyrics from kids TV shows #musttryharder
  20. Hi Steve, it's been a while. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Hope you're doing better now? I'm currently between boats, so no deck for me to grace anything with, Solent Salmon notwithstanding. May be up for a shore dangle when the weather improves.
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