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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Insurance is a requirement of some marinas and slipways if you want to keep or launch your boat there but there is no requirement by law to be insured. So if your inflatable is capable of beach launching then there's nothing stopping you just getting afloat. Definitely advisable to be insured though.
  2. And what power do they have over the vessels registered with them? [genuine question]
  3. It's 24 metres or less for the SSR and is optional. If a yacht in your example is 25 metres or more, who would the owner register it with? There's no governing body?
  4. So far there is no requirement for registration at any size of pleassure vessel. And there is no governing body who would manage the registration process or what to do with the information given by registering. For commercial vessels there are fairly onerous coding requirements but I'm assuming you're simply looking to get a small inflatable for pleasure use. It might seem strange but for pleasure (non-commercial) vessels anyone, with any experience (even no experience at all), can buy a boat of any size and simply steam off into the sunset. Edited to add: it seems that there's a passenger limit rather than size limit (although passenger capacity will be a function of size). 12 or more passengers and the boat becomes classed as a "passenger vessel" with greater safety requirements. Take a look here for info: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/268868/mgn489-amendment-pleasure-vessels.pdf
  5. Welcome to Offshore Outlaws @Michael No vessel registration required in the UK. You have the option of registering with the Small Ships Register but this is optional, and may not even apply to very small craft such as the one you're considering. If you want to use a VHF radio - recommended for communicating with other vessels, shore stations and the RNLI - then you'll need to pass a VHF operators course.
  6. Ah, now it make sense @Odyssey. You showed Emma your fishing pics didn't you?
  7. That's one of those wheely boat things. Saw one under way in Cornwall. They look quite ungainly in the water.
  8. Ah, that's a shame. Even as a non-football person I was aware of who he was and how much a part of the game he was. RIP.
  9. I always knew you had dainty feet.
  10. No, clearly not. But I've got to find a silver lining somewhere.
  11. Probably. Not sure he'll be in any fit state to give it to me though.
  12. Just thought I'd mention how much I'm enjoying not having to haul the boat out and spend money on servicing, maintenance etc. That is all. 👍
  13. Funnily enough we're thinking of visiting Conwy Castle this week. Suppose I should give the old goat a knock and see how he's doing.
  14. We're in North Wales for a week for the kids' half term, and today I took the family to the beach. After some deft negotiation I took my beach gear along and had a couple of hours dangling off the rocks whilst everyone else played on the sand. The dog came fishing too and did her usual trick of hanging half off the rocks staring into the water, mesmerised by the motion of the waves and ripples. The targets were bass and flounder, so one rod went out at distance with lugworm and a 1oz pear weight, and was left to bump along in the tide. The other was baited with live shore crab and went close in along an eddy current just off the rocks. I also had my lure rod, with which I had a few chucks with the MajorCraft Solpara shore jig. Just as I was settling into the rhythm jigging I heard a faint plop. Looking round I couldn't see the dog... yep, she'd fallen in! I made my way onto the lower part of the rocks to find a very cold and somewhat startled spaniel staring up at me from amongst the floating weed around the base of the rocks. I carefully manoeuvred myself into a position where I could safely reach her and hauled her back onto the rock. Daft dog. 🤦‍♂️ It didn't seem to put her off staring into the water again though... The fishing was slow, with plenty of weed to keep me busy. I missed one good bite on the worm rod, but got no interest at all on the crab in close. As the sun began to set and thoughts turned to packing up I wound into this chap. Caught fair and square on a black lug bait. Does that save a blank?
  15. Quality! Well done. Good skippering. Not jealous at all. Much.
  16. Great session and a great write-up. Top results all round. 👍
  17. I use a thermal waterproof bib & braces thing from Vass, with neoprene wellies and a neoprene Stormr Stryker foul weather jacket, deliberately one size too large so that I can layer up underneath. Seems to work ok. I also use an auto life jacket on top when on the boat. I avoided one piece suits as it seems like a faff to take off when you want a pee. The bib & braces are bad enough but at least I can keep my jacket on whilst at the gunnel.
  18. Very nice fish! Well done to all and well skippered Dicky. Good results at the end of the day 👍
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