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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. It'll be top heavy with all that brick & stone...
  2. Saw this and thought of you @Odyssey. A citizen science project to ID sharks & related species in Welsh waters. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-64042449
  3. Good summary @mike farrants. Well dangled. You'll really have to give it some beans in 2023 if you want to out-fish your 2022 successes 😉
  4. Cracking day out. Good work. Those whiting look lovely - just the right size for the table. Nice squid too 👍 Is it usual to find squid this late (or even early?) in the year? I had a vague recollection that they head into deeper waters after autumn.
  5. Although it kills me to say it... well dangled Neil and Leo. 🎣👍🤣
  6. That looks like a nicely engineered set up. Top spannering 👍 Are you planning to branch out into rod building as a side hustle?
  7. Yeah, always quiet at this time of year. Too much turkey, busy seeing family, weather rubbish for fishing etc. Bring on the new year and calm weather I say.
  8. Nice post! Always forget your catches count for double seeing as you're on a yak. Good effort 👍
  9. Lucky you. My invite must have been delayed by the postal strikes...?
  10. Nice one @daio web, same to you. I'm done with the turkey now. Keen to get out on the shore for 5 minutes peace away from the family! 😱🤣
  11. That was a good session, if only for the question of what might have been. I miss Jersey Girl too, but selling up was the right thing for me at present. I do miss not being a boat owner too. Found myself lying in bed this morning thinking about a RIB again. You, Leo and I have unfinished business on that mark so I expect we'll be back there again before too long. Just need to get the house finished and scratch the Caterham itch before I can invest in another tub.
  12. This year's been a write-off for me fishing-wise. Hardly got out on the boat, then sold it. Next year... 🤞
  13. Wishing you all a relaxing and peaceful Christmas. Here's to a calm and fish-filled 2023 🎣🎣🐟👍
  14. Great result! Definitely worth braving the cold for. Well done 👍
  15. You must rate the skipper's chances if you're posting a catch report in advance 🤣👍
  16. No, I heard it when I was considering buying a Pirate.
  17. The Pirate 21 hull was based on the Souter/MI 21 hull I believe.
  18. Very nice. Like the red hull. 👍
  19. The only thing getting bent round here is the truth when you talk about the size of your fish.
  20. So how's your water pump replacement coming along then? Or will that snowball into a newer, bigger boat?
  21. Ooh that hurts! You know full well I took amazing care of her. #missingmytub
  22. https://www.engineersedge.com/battery/battery_over_charging.htm In essence it means that the battery has been discharged too much/too low and may not now be capable of holding a full charge so well. So that red light has done you a favour as it's telling you that it has to keep charging up the battery more regularly than it otherwise should do, which indicates that the battery doesn't hold a charge as well as it should. Time to replace the battery I reckon (but sadly not the boat and tackle as @Saintly Fish would have you believe!). Edited to add: there's a chance that the wiring between the charge controller and the battery has some corrosion somewhere, causing unexpected resistance, so before you go to the expense of replacing the battery, check the wiring & joints/connectors and clean them up if needed.
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