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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Quality session! Great work - sounds like a properly good outing. Well done πŸ‘
  2. Nice! I'll be in Dartmouth between Xmas and New Year, and if I can smuggle a beach rod into the car I may just try Slapton myself.
  3. Wouldn't you usually want to keep the two batteries separate, and only use the House for cranking when absolutely necessary? Otherwise you'll be using them both for cranking every time, which means they'll both need to be charged from the charging system equally, rather than giving the Start battery preference. I'd have thought there could also be a risk of the relay sticking, thus causing both batteries to discharge rather than just the House. I guess what I'm saying is that if it was a good idea, why don't boats designed with 2+ batteries have relay switches already fitted as standard?
  4. Yep, nearly bit my little finger off. I say little finger as he was too small to fit any of my other fingers in his mouth.
  5. Good effort Nick. A cod's a cod, no matter how small. Well played.
  6. 🀣 20 oz more like! A pound and a half if we're feeling generous.
  7. Ooh! Liar, liar pants on fire! I specifically asked whether you wanted a photo before I T-barred it off at the side and you said no cos it was too small!
  8. Do you have a photo of said fish? #youknowtherules....
  9. Good effort that man! Well dangled the pair of you. That last photo looks lovely. Top snapping πŸ‘
  10. Freezing cold, foggy, dogfish and whiting. The end.
  11. This just popped up on my YouTube feed. What was the captain thinking? @GPSguru, @thejollysinker, in your back yard I think?
  12. Yeah, you definitely don't want third place on this list 😬
  13. Yes, but I thought we said we wouldn't mention that on the open forum... #tiddlersinthecold
  14. Saw this and thought of @JonC, who will no doubt be pleased that Land Rover is no longer top of the list... https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-11512169/amp/Porsche-named-unreliable-car-brand-ahead-Land-Rover.html And who'd have thought it would be Porsche on top?!?!
  15. Tight lines Gary πŸ‘ @Saintly Fish and I are out early doors tomorrow. We'll be looking like Michelin Men all wrapped up in multiple layers to beat the cold. Never been fishing in minus temps before! πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Άβ„❄
  16. Oh, I reckon at least half a tanker an hour.
  17. Hmmm, I'm not sure we understand how you really feel about him. Why don't you spell it out more clearly for us? πŸ˜±πŸ˜‰πŸ€£
  18. There is no contest. We're both right, but @Geoff was wrong for thinking I was wrong... πŸ˜‰ #dontmesswithaginge
  19. Sorry Geoff - whinging. Equally correct πŸ˜‰ https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/whinge #smuglittleginge
  20. Right then, I have less than 24 hours to go before a trip out with @Saintly Fish tomorrow. Wonder what my chances are of getting uninvited before then. Place your bets! 😬
  21. Good luck matey! Hoping you bag up on big fat ones πŸ€žπŸ‘
  22. I know you like to play fast and loose, winging it with your spelling, but in this case I think you mean whinging? #spellingpolice
  23. Surely that's not possible?! 🀣
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