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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Let me guess Pete... when all that happens you'll be tucked up in bed using the dog as a hot water bottle?
  2. Yeah, but he asked for recommendations for fixed spool reels. Telling him to get a multi is like you asking for a pot noodle recommendation and me telling you to try fresh noodles instead - they're still noodles, but not what you asked for... 🤦‍♂️
  3. Watching this with interest as I could do with another FS reel for beach casting too.
  4. Good effort @Malc. A day on the water and a few fish. Well done 👍 Lovely photo too.
  5. I've been warming Thomas up for exactly the same when he goes up to Secondary next year. Good work Leo 👍. Stick it to him 👊 PS: Thomas and I are looking forward to handing you and your dad your butts on Fortnite in Jan 😉👍🤣
  6. Look what I just found! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lifesystems-Unisexs-Reusable-Warmers-Orange/dp/B00SVDPGVG
  7. I was given a pair of those gel filled ones with the metal disc inside - you flex the disc and it causes a chain reaction that makes the gel give off heat. They were quite good as I remember. You then boil them in a pan of water to re-set the gel and then they can be re-used. Except I put mine on the boil and walked off to do something else. Totally forgot about them, the pan boiled dry and the sachets burst 🤦‍♂️. Still can't find them online to re-purchase them.
  8. Could have sworn we've had this one before but I can't for the life of me find it. So I'll let it slide for now.
  9. She was very talented. One of the best songwriters of her generation, in my view.
  10. You do realise it's only pictures of you that he's interested in? He's got the hump because he was hoping for pics of your tache surrounded by rubber.
  11. Good write up Ian. Sounds like a tricky day to be out, but good effort for persevering. Rather envious that you've been able to get out. Lack of boat aside, it's been rubbish weather on the south coast for ages.
  12. Nice. I love those Suzuki engines. Always reliable in my experience. @GPSguru is our resident expert on slow pitch jigging, along with @Terry Smith. I'm sure they'll be able to offer you some guidance if needed 👍
  13. Nice one @MikeyB. Looks like a lovely rig. What engine does she have on the back?
  14. Not for me, sadly. We're dogsitting a rather large golden retriever this weekend so my time will be occupied ensuring she doesn't cause any havoc.
  15. Like you've never gone out solo on TT?
  16. Nearly, but he's not a ginge... Like the colour of the boat though.
  17. You're right Jon, but that's precisely the window of usage I'd be avoiding. Flip it round to become May-October however, and that's more of a likelihood, especially as he loves to get into the surf on his bodyboard in his wetsuit in October. It'll absolutely be a fair-weather thing in high summer with the kids, and I'll use it in spring and autumn for solo trips unless they particularly beg to come along.
  18. She's here now though @mike farrants...
  19. This looks quite appealing. Compact enough to fit in the car or leave in Devon and use as a 3 season boat for calm days. https://www.inflatableboatfishing.com/
  20. Yeah, on the face of it it seems like a recipe for disaster, but the reality is that it's no worse, and probably better, than having hooks and knives on board.
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