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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Good to be out, and you still caught a few fish, so all good in my book 👍
  2. Yep, that's right. An early morning dash out to bag a pollack and some mackerel for tea, then back in time for breakfast. A SIB will also get me out with my spear-fishing gear too...
  3. Good suggestion - I must admit, that this thought has crossed my mind already, in particular keeing a SIB down in the south-west and using it for calm summer days with the kids on the beach and in the estuaries.
  4. Well dangled the pair of you. And thanks for the invite, but sadly it wasn't to be for me this time. That whiting almost looks big enough to eat. Tasty! 👍
  5. True, but that would be the whole point of a project rib for me. New tubes and engine, then run it for a couple of seasons and move it on.
  6. Dunno really. Maybe £10-15k for a hard boat. Bit more for a rib. Still interested in a project rib to recommission.
  7. Can you get an outboard to fit on one? If not, I'm out... #lazydanglerandproud
  8. It is. But I don't want to be changing boats again any time soon so I'm curious to see what others think about alternatives before I make a decision.
  9. Great session and nice pics. That phone of yours seems to take an artistic pic, or at least it ramps up the colour saturation. Either way, a good, productive trip. Well dangled. #notjealousatall...much
  10. Defender eh? You know I do actually want to tow with it, not fix it, right?
  11. After a bittersweet departure, Jersey Girl has gone to a new home. Sad to see her go, but for me it was the right move. Originally I was thinking of replacing her with a rib, but now I'm not so sure. I want something smaller, lighter, trailerable. A rib ticks all these boxes but I keep wondering about another hard boat. Over to you lot - what style of boat should I go for next? A rib or something else? Is there such a thing as a trailerable diesel maybe?
  12. What a cool name! Welcome to the Outlaws Molly Jean 🥰
  13. Congratulations! Definitely worth staying ashore for. 👍👍 What's her name?
  14. Those fish washed up because of the rough weather? Surfers are nutters. 🥴
  15. I think @Saintly Fish has it - it's not our boats that don't like the weather, it's the anglers aboard. Fishing is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not cold, wet and miserable, so if that makes me a fair-weather boat angler, then so be it.
  16. I told them so... That'll teach 'em not to mess with a ginge... 👨‍🦰👨‍🦰
  17. Very sad. The recipe book he wrote with HF-W on fish was one of the first I owned. A signed copy no less. He had a number of kids if I remember correctly. Condolences to his family.
  18. Yeah, it's not great is it. Must admit I've also been contemplating a shore session or two.
  19. I'll have you know my PB dogfish was at least 1m (foot) long. And it was a bull huss. Honest.
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