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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Yeah, ok, fair cop. I was thinking about 3 feet to a metre. 🤦‍♂️
  2. 100 yards is only 30m, so not a huge cast in the grand scheme of things. Should be doable without bare hooks at the end I'd have thought. @GPSguru, lovely report and congratulations on an impressive tally. Will be hard to beat next year!
  3. Top spannering. Now for some decent weather hopefully 👍
  4. Andy135


    Oh, and 3.5 for the gag. I can see the humour but it's too close to the truth to be funny.
  5. Andy135


    I believe we're on the cusp of anti-woke/post-woke thinking. Too much noise by a small minority imposing their views on other (dare I say normal?) people has started to cause a feeling of "enough is enough". Long overdue in my view.
  6. I've ordered stuff from the US but via a retailer that sends to the UK - Tackle Direct. I had to pay import duty and handling fees at the point of order, but then it all arrived fine, just like any other online order. Cost-wise it works out about the same, certainly not cheaper than anything we can get in the UK, so I'd only do it again for stuff we can't get over here. No experience of doing the import declaration and VAT/duty payments directly though.
  7. You've had good results from that spot in previous years. Tight lines for this time round - should be a good chance to take a break and relax for you all after the year you've had 👍.
  8. If anyone can get uninvited from their own boat it'll be you Jon.
  9. Well, the trip isn't going ahead now so no pics possible I'm afraid.
  10. I got uninvited today from a trip on the weekend. To be fair I invited myself onto the trip in the first place so that's karma I suppose.
  11. @Eduardo, what did you decide to do in the end? Did you make the trip by sea or by road? Hope all went well either way.
  12. Excellent result and an excellent write up! Well done @JDP. Plenty of pics too so that should help @JonC to follow the story. And as for the mermaid's bollock, well that has to be a new record. 👍
  13. I plan to buy them cheap over here and export them to Calais. Reckon I can double my money at least...
  14. Once JG goes to her new home I'll start the procurement process.
  15. Big boats, schmig boats. Small and nimble is the way to go for me.
  16. No maltesers? I'd be heading for the door! They're the best!!
  17. Once we've got a date that works for everyone except you I'll let him down gently.
  18. We thought about having a party but we knew you'd find a reason not to be available... 😱🤣
  19. Tenderstem is different from regular "tree" broccoli. It's much nicer and, unsurprisingly, more tender. Tastes fresher and not at all like a brassica.
  20. I usually make this with cod. Would work just as nicely with pollack because the fish is steamed so less likelihood of the fillet disintegrating.
  21. Not seeing it yet then Zook?
  22. That's one of the maids. Last time I let her use the car unsupervised...
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