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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. The price may have something to do with it...
  2. But look at the high bar to arrive at the design they found. It took millions of dollars of investment and years of testing, which is probably why no-one has done it before. Besides, they didn't have 3D printed prototyping capabilities nor the ability to manufacture that complex shape 100 years ago.
  3. Very interesting. Could be the next big thing in prop design. No reason why it wouldn't work on your hull - more torque and better fuel consumption are relevant for all hull designs I'd have thought.
  4. Says the chap who's been sat at home all day playing computer games? #justsaying...
  5. 🀣Brilliant! And you get extra points for having a springer mug too πŸ‘
  6. Ooh! Sounds good. Holiday pics also welcome here too πŸ‘
  7. I had a quote for transport of Jersey Girl from St Helier to Poole that came out at just less than Β£3k inc VAT, so I would imagine that road transport without the need for a ferry crossing would be a fair bit cheaper. To be fair this was back in 2020, and we all know which way prices have gone since then...
  8. Good luck with that. I'd say 2021 was a fluke. Based upon what happened in 2022 I reckon all you'll get from this lot is a few half-hearted expressions of interest and a whole load of excuses when the time comes. #mywifesmumsdogsgotcovidsoIhavetocancel... #provemewrongoutlaws!
  9. Hi Eduardo, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your purchase. That's quite a passage for a "new to you" boat - I'd be tempted to test out the boat and build confidence in her abilities for a while before making the trip. We have some unsettled weather over the next few days so you may want to pick a day when the forecast is as good as possible. Have you considered getting her put on a boat transporter to make the journey overland? This may be cheaper and certainly simpler for you than burning all that fuel and time. A quick look on Navionics suggests a total distance of 161 nautical miles from Kingston to Brighton by sea but only around 50 miles over land. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  10. An exciting report, even without pics! Well done πŸ‘
  11. Got to have him in the team just to keep up with everyone else... πŸ˜–
  12. Piers, harbour walls or over reefs from your yak. Drop down vertically and retrieve slowly, or cast a little way out. Yamashita Warm Jackets are the go-to squid jigs. They often have luminous paint that you charge up with a torch, or a slot for a starlight. You can either rig the jigs singly or on droppers from a main line.
  13. Good work so far @Josh! Glad to see you got a dogfish too - you can sit back and enjoy the rest of the trip now πŸ‘πŸ˜‰πŸ€£
  14. @daio web, looks like the consensus is blonde. If it's a personal best stick the pic up in the PB thread here: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/28-pb-gallery/ Congrats πŸ‘
  15. Hold your phone upside down when you take the photo.
  16. Wonder if it's a really dark blonde ray?
  17. @thejollysinker in case this is the right cable length for you.
  18. Sounds like it was a productive day out. Curious to see your ray too, so pics would be good. You can try reading our picture posting guide in case it helps:
  19. No real need for a mega-upgraded cable. A standard one will be fine. More important to keep whatever cable you get in good condition and appropriately lubricated.
  20. Agree with @suzook12. Check supply and earth wires for corroded contacts or partial breaks. Worth being super-scrupulous and inspecting all the joints properly (vs a cursory glance) as sometimes corrosion can be hidden under heatshrink or sleeving. Fuse contacts are another good shout, especially if the fuse box they're in isn't fully sealed from atmosphere.
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