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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Wow - that's quite a haul in the first pic! Was it all caught by the same angler?
  2. Sadly this is true. I've not put a single fish in it.
  3. What he posted wasn't a joke - it wouldn't stand up on it's own out of the context of the thread, so it can stay. Glad you agree that it's a crime however...
  4. Nah, that's not me, it's my long-lost twin. We were separated at birth. I inherited the family fortune and he was adopted by a family of Essex scaffolders. Last I heard they kicked him out cos he didn't like pot noodles.
  5. @Saintly Fish has already offered £200.50 offline. #whatabunchofhighrollers...
  6. Bless you Pete! Glad someone recognises all the back-breaking work that goes on behind the scenes to keep this site running. But I couldn't do it without @Saintly Fish and @JonC standing around drinking tea and watching me. 👍😉🤣
  7. Yeah, but that's just it. I don't know what the market is for these coolers, hence feeling my way with "offers over". I'm not out to rob anyone but I don't want my pants pulled down unknowingly either.
  8. SOLD. Hardly used (more's the pity...). Offers over £200. Collect from West Berkshire or Gosport I guess as it won't fit in a post box.
  9. Good effort. Plenty of fish and a bonus cod, all in iffy conditions. Top skippering 👍
  10. Yeah, now you mention it, it does have a mako-like look about it 👍🤣
  11. Quality write-up of some quality sessions! Good work 👍. As I am now an expert in huss identification I reckon yours is actually a dogfish, which is even better! Congratulations!! 🥳🥳
  12. 100% funnier than yours! 🤣🤣
  13. Good effort for persevering. All else being equal the idea of a second full motor for spares or replacement might not be a bad idea.
  14. Great way to spend the evening, and keeping the Mrs happy too 👍
  15. There was just enough for a meal for two in the legs, but I hardly got any from the body. Mostly a goopy mess in there.
  16. Yes, the crab took a hot bath. Delicious with pasta in a light garlic & chilli dressing. As for the mackerel, they just seem to be more sporadic each year. Finding a large shoal is getting rarer - instead it's a case of picking them up in ones and twos wherever you can find them. Leo's huss was definitely fish of the trip and he did well to play it to the net.
  17. Neil, Leo and I set off bright and early yesterday on a cod hunt to the Spoils, south of the Nab Tower. The forecast was ideal all day, with light to no winds and a very small tide. We arrived on the mark in time to fish the majority of the ebb, and with anchor and baits down we waited. And waited. And waited. Not much at all for the first couple of hours, before a strappy conger came aboard to start off the tally. Closely followed by a good sized spider crab, which had taken a liking to my cannonball lead and wouldn't let go. A smoothound followed shortly after. and a decent thornback. The bites started to dry up at slack, so we had a choice to make. Do we head inshore and fish a reef mark for smaller species, or do we stick it out at the Spoils to see what the turn of the tide might bring? The latter was our choice, so we spun the boat around and re-anchored for the flood. The wind had dropped off to almost nothing, and combined with the small tides we had beautiful conditions. Fishing the flood proved to be the right choice, for as the tide began to run we had a magic hour of frantic fishing. More smoothounds and rays - spotted and thornback (spot the joker in the next photo... ) and best of all, my favourite!! We also rustled up a couple of scad and, amazingly, a string of mackerel to the boat too! Leo added to the species tally with an immense example of a rare (to us) species - I'll let @Saintly Fish add the details and photos. Suffice to say it was a cracking fish! As the tide picked up the bites slowed, so we headed back in not long after we saw @Scotch_Egg2012 whizz past us heading home on a friend's Osprey. How did you get on Scott? All in it was a great day out, with amazing weather and brilliant company. As we headed into the marina we could see the dry-stack pontoons were almost fully taken. A couple of under-sized openings but not much that was Jersey Girl-shaped. Cue some delicate close quarters handling and crewing to get us snugly into a berth.
  18. Very nice results! Lovely fish. And well done to Kyle for his gurnard. What were the baits being used that differentiated between the greys and the tubs?
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