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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. I have high hopes for this weekend's football - seeing as I'm languishing in the mid-table of the OO league I need to step it up a gear or three!
  2. Not disputing your suggestions, but for balance I've only ever caught a handful of rays, and these were all out in the Nab area. Mind you, Leo's whopper undulate a couple of seasons ago came from near Lepe if I remember correctly?
  3. Good effort Malc. Well dangled and well paddled!. Sounds like you're in a busy patch of water. Take care out there. PS: how much did the fishmonger charge you for those herring? 😉
  4. Well done. Always good to get out under your own steam. Must admit I'm having withdrawals as well - haven't been out on JG for a couple of months 😬 How's your finger healing? That pic you posted a couple of weeks ago looked fierce. Hope it's on the mend?
  5. That's no way to talk about @mike farrants and Phil! 😲
  6. Top dangling as usual @mike farrants. Kudos to you all.
  7. Cracking session! Well done the pair of you. 👍
  8. Well, I got out for an early morning session back in Fowey on Saturday but only managed three micro-pollack on the slow jig. You all know what a small pollack looks like so no pics or a full report, but suffice to say it was an underwhelming outing this time sadly.
  9. Good session and write up. Nice fish too. That looks like a red gurnard to me.
  10. It's a good question though. Fish migrations have been happening for years - think of the Scarborough tuna industry in the 1920's and 30's. Just no-one seems to know precisely why the migrations occur and how far they will go.
  11. The mackerel seem to be moving north too, or at least leaving the south coast. That could just be because they don't like the Pompey water though...
  12. I'm only doing all this jigging to win a bet I made with @Ivan Tuna to see who would be the first to catch a doggie on a slow jig 🤣
  13. You should have at least let him try! 🤣
  14. Lovely report! Those conditions look perfect for taking a newbie boat angler out in. And you let him catch more fish than you - top skippering! 👍
  15. I'll have you know I'm a mere shadow of my former self... I only eat pies on weekdays now.
  16. Really enjoying it but having trouble staying down/being too buoyant. Might need to add some more weight to my dive belt. Also struggle with equalizing in one of my ears, which makes deeper diving painful. Any tips?
  17. I'm back in Cornwall this weekend and hoping to find a new rock mark or two to try with the shore jigs.
  18. Yeah, a proper lump. Gave a good scrap on the spinning rod.
  19. Some seasons I even got out more than once! 🤣
  20. We can all see. It's you who can't 🤦‍♂️
  21. The pears sound great as an accompaniment to a cheese board. Good hedgerow hopping. Garlic chicken sounds nice too but Mrs135 isn't a fan of garlic (weird, I know) and is a vegetarian (even weirder!) so I probably won't get to try it. Thanks for sharing though - top recipes 👍
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