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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. I use J Braid on pretty much all of my reels, boat and spinning. I must have had around 7 or 8 seasons use out of some of them, with no noticeable deterioration. As Mike says, buy once, buy right.
  2. Thanks. It occurs to me that I've done more fishing from the rocks than from Jersey Girl this season 😳. Must fix that but I do enjoy a simple shore session.
  3. Yeah, one mackerel looks much like all the rest I know, but if I hadn't taken pics of each I wonder what you'd have piped up with??
  4. It was a shame I couldn't get pics of them as @JonC won't read the words and @Saintly Fish will say it never happened, but that's life I guess. The macks went back in this session as it's not been BBQ weather here this weekend and I have no way of keeping them cool during the drive back up country (didn't bring a coolbox). So rather than stink out the car with mushy mackerel they could take their chances back in the sea.
  5. Headed back out again this evening to fish the second low water on the rocks below St Catherine's Castle in Fowey. And as before in the morning session I didn't have to wait long for a hit. A big one too, from a monster mackerel! Likely my PB, but I didn't have any scales to weight him so I'll just have to guess the weight. Another mackerel followed, a little smaller this time. Then the bites dried up for a while as the tide hit absolute slack water, but as the flood began to start a strong take hammered the rod tip over. The fish took off under a rock and locked up the line. Not risking a break I gave it some slack and within a couple of minutes it moved out and I could bring it to the surface. A reasonable pollack, but not quite plate-sized. Bites were becoming thinner as dusk started to fall, but one last cast brought a very small pollack to close the book on the session, before making my way back over the rocks to beat the flooding tide.
  6. Had an early start this morning in order to be on the rocks below St Catherine's castle at low water. The mark is only accessible at the bottom of the tide, and with a relatively narrow window of opportunity I had to make the most of it even if I'd rather have been asleep. I was using the MajorCraft Jigpara shore casting slow jig 30g in zebra glow pattern, and it didn't take long to hook up. Second cast and a lively mackerel. Several casts later another one appeared. And another... Next was a garfish that hooked up but didn't stick - he came off just before the lift up the rocks. Then a massive hit, a real bully of a fish. Knew this wasn't a mackerel, and sure enough, a decent bass arrived. Next up was a big surprise. A cast to the horizon into the deeper mid-channel water over clean sand resulted in a strange, dogged take that stayed low. As it came to the surface I could see a deep red colour and at first thought it was a wrasse, but then the blue rim to the fins appeared and I knew it was a gurnard! On a slow jig! But of course, as bad luck would have it the fish dropped the hook before I could bring it up the rocks. Gutted or what! A few casts later I closed the session with a small pollack barely bigger than the jig itself. So, mackerel, garfish, bass, gurnard and pollack makes five species to the jig. Have to say I'm really enjoying using a slow jigging from shore.
  7. Same place mine broke - about 6 inches above the joint. 😥
  8. Rod snapped?! Ouch, must have been a decent fish. Where did it break? I've snapped a Rovex spinning rod pulling for a break from the boat - I was gutted as I really liked that one, so I bought a replacement which is still going strong so far.
  9. Good work Malc - you've been hard at it. Very envious 👍
  10. They have said in the past that they prioritise responses by member demographic, so if you had been a lone female or a mum with kids...
  11. Glad you got back home safely and glad you caught some fish! A good day's fishing and a lucky break getting home ok. Here's hoping your next outing is less eventful! 👍
  12. For the avoidance of doubt I gave you a like for posting the pic, not a like for the discomfort you must be in! Hope you have a smooth recovery and they don't end up chopping another one off... 😶
  13. She looks great with her new paint on too. Very smart.
  14. Top scrubbing and a great write up! Thanks for sharing Gary 👍
  15. Probably worth having a good look (when it's switched off) in case the fluid is tracking from elsewhere. At least you can be sure you're buying the correct seals this way.
  16. Every day's a school day. Top fishing and good learning about match fishing - it's a totally different discipline if you ask me.
  17. He can't get them the right way up...
  18. Great perseverance! As for the tinsel tossers, maybe a pair of scissors might speed up any untangling next time?? 😠🤣
  19. Congrats on your red band fish! Sounds like a fun few days (not the drive shaft shafting you, obvs). I'm with RAC, so I'm not too pleased to hear of your recovery nightmare. My only experience of needing their service is when I had a Discovery that shat all the hydraulic fluid for its self-levelling suspension system when I was on the way to the boat for a days fishing. Got recovered in the time it took my brother in law and I to walk to the nearest pub for a pint. But none of that's any good for you to hear now I suppose! 😉🤣
  20. Nice work! Still yet to find a pollack round here 😶
  21. Don't know if the seals can be replaced, but Volvo should be able to confirm if seal kits are available or not. Which seal is it that's leaking?
  22. Wow! What's the fish in the first pic? Looks fantastic 👍
  23. Andy135


    Yep, with that offering Neil no longer has any right to rip you about your lack of humour.
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