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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. And thanks for tagging your report too. It all helps people to search and find reports local to them 👍.
  2. Top fishing! And good work with the patatas bravas. Very fitting with this hot weather we're having!
  3. If you feel strongly, feel free to move any offending posts elsewhere then.
  4. And his question was answered by Zook. All good, move along, nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.
  5. We're about 20 mins from St Emilion in a small hamlet named Pujols. Nothing happens here apart from the chiming of the church clock tower. The kids and their cousins spend their days in the pool, and the adults spend their nights sampling the local wines. It's a hard life 🤣
  6. I'd expect nothing less from my good friends 😉🖕🤣
  7. But it's a drink to be savoured with good friends while reminiscing about past PB's and fisherman's tales, not chugged by the half-pint glass in a race to the bottom of the bottle!
  8. Port is nice, but I can never drink it quick enough to finish the bottle before it oxidises. Ideally they need to be drunk within a few days, but I find port too heavy for more than a glass at a time.
  9. And the wine here is excellent by the way. Found (and drank) a St Emilion Grand Cru Classe for only about £32, and in the local supermarket too. Had a tour and tasting at a local organic vineyard yesterday which lightened my wallet somewhat but should keep my wine collection well stocked for a few months.
  10. Calm down dear. Already edited. Was due to auto-correct not loss of capacity 😉
  11. Like when he presents his bill for tap washers to little old ladies.
  12. Good effort as always Josh. Top dangling for top results! 👍
  13. Nicely done @Dicky. Looks like some good fishing and great weather. Top marks all round 👍
  14. And we've told him how many times how to post them properly too?! 🤷‍♂️
  15. Maintenance crew is drinking beer by the pool in France at present so there may be a delay in responding. Besides, how often does the horizon look perfectly level on your (or any) boat. The pic just looks realistic to me 😉
  16. So that's how you've been doing it then?! Full strings of one don't count! 🤣
  17. Well done on getting your boat ready for the water. Don't know that part of the coast though, so not sure where or what, but mackerel or squid will probably bag you a dogfish or two, and what more could anyone want than that? 😉
  18. An uncanny resemblance 🤣
  19. Yep, seems to have done just that. I put my team together and it appeared to auto-enrol me into the OO League for this season. @JonC, no Cobb FC this year??
  20. It's crap up north... And yes, I know east coast isn't technically "oop norf" but it's still north of the SLT therefore it counts. #whippetsandflatcaps
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