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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Didn't @KennyPowers come unstuck with some tub that @Saintly Fish did a full and comprehensive survey on? Moral of the story: Don't get a survey OR never trust a Southampton supporter...?
  2. Rather you than me thanks. Spelunking just isn't my bag. Cold, dark, wet, tight spaces with no natural light... what's not to dislike?? 😬
  3. I can see that it's supposed to be funny but....
  4. Lovely result! Always good when a session "on the off-chance" turns out to be productive. 👍
  5. Top skippering Mike and well dangled Shane 🎣🎣👍 A great day out. Well done.
  6. Update on this: due to lack of anglers for the 20th Aug I've spoken to the skipper and released the date. No point in hanging on until a few days before on the off-chance we can get a crew together.
  7. Nice work. Seems like the mackerel are just as "hit & miss" up there as they are down here. Frustrating little buggers at the best of times.
  8. @mike farrants, we doing a new season then?
  9. Good bit of shed-work! Looks professional 👍
  10. Neither did I. Unlike you, I can still remember things from 38 years ago. 😜
  11. Do you mean Amiga? #tryingtosoundlikeheknowswhathestalkingabout
  12. Got to be, hasn't it? I reckon he was a secret uber-geek. Just been hiding it all this time. #welljell
  13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. Thomas' has been fine so far too. None of the controller drift issues that others have had... yet!
  15. Legend of Zelda is a series of games that have appeared on most Nintendo hardware since the '80's. The current Zelda title is Breath of the Wild, on Switch. Really fell into that rabbit hole and had to take turns at playing it with my son. We've both completed it #polishingmyhalo. Mariokart 8 is also a good one. Completed that too 😁.
  16. And I thought your grammar coach had helped you get past your writing challenges? #pastpassed
  17. Funnily enough it was only the "cool" kids that excluded others. Geeks and nerds are fully inclusive.
  18. Keep up, that was Diana Moran. 🙄
  19. FFS, I think you mean Ecco the Dolphin, and that was a Sega platform release, not Nintendo. I didn't have a Sega, so I never played Ecco.
  20. I admire your honesty 🤣👍 But at least you got a meal out of the session, and a tasty-looking one at that. A good result, even if it wasn't really yours 🤣
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