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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Well dangled! Good results and a good write up 👍
  2. Well done! Quite an adventure, but you got out and back safely, and you caught some fish. Result! 👍 Night time navigation can be tricky but as @Saintly Fish says, following your track on your plotter is a good way to stay out of trouble. Still doesn't account for drifting hazards or abandoned buoys though, so nice and slowly does it.
  3. Not bad, for you. 6.5/10.
  4. Speaking from experience Steve?
  5. Fess up, did you rotate that one specially? 🤣🤦‍♂️
  6. Presume you've tried the old twist & pull technique? How about warm water over the join and let it seep in, and potentially dissolve any salty crustiness in the joint? Failing that, might be a two man job to just pull at it properly?
  7. Good fishing @GPSguru, and a nice video of a beautiful spot for a dangle. Plenty of bass in wonderful surroundings - surely this is fishing nirvana?! 👍
  8. It's an old West Country custom where they parade through their villages with the first of the year's lettuces stuffed down their trousers. If you can last the week without taking out your lettuce you're crowned Lettuce King (or Queen) and you get to keep your lettuce for tea. Edited to add, here's some further info for those who are keen on lettuces: https://bit.ly/lettuceweek
  9. Heads up that we've just upgraded to the latest version of our forum software - various back-end enhancements for this version, plus a resolution to the issue IOS users have where photos taken and uploaded directly from mobiles don't orient themselves correctly (sideways or upside down). @JDP, @JonC, please post the original versions of the photos you were having trouble with into this thread so we can see whether the upgrade has solved the orientation issue for IOS users.
  10. Quality result! And a fish that snapped an Ugly Stik! Must have been a proper tank. Somehow I don't reckon Ian is too sad about it, given he now has a great fishy tale to tell. Good start to the season 👍
  11. Brilliant! What a great session! Sounds like you all had fun, but especially your wife. Kudos to her and well done to her ghillie 😉 My wife is so uninterested in fishing and boating - I'd love to get her out but sadly she prefers dry land every time.
  12. You're both in IOS I suspect and cropping will change the orientation data I think. I've just checked with our forum software provider and apparently these sideways pictures are a known issue with IOS users (I use Android and I have never had this problem). They've rolled out a fix in the latest forum software version, so I'll upgrade us to that later on today.
  13. Strange. I'll do some digging around in the system settings later to see if there's anything we can do.
  14. Your phone will have an option within your camera app to remove metadata from files. Might be worth enabling that option to see if it also removes orientation data.
  15. If it was too large it wouldn't load at all. The metadata within the file contains orientation info that tells applications (such as the forum software) which way up to render the image. Clearly the forum software is smart enough to know that Jon is from down under and is rendering the image upside down to make him feel at home.
  16. I'm on budget calls until 11.30pm tonight so you can have a free run at the forum.
  17. Or a bar for people who like spamming other people's posts?
  18. Targeting black bream with side-scan sonar. As springtime progresses and the weather warms up I like to look for a calm spell of weather to fish for black bream, a delicious fish for the table and a very sporting fighter on appropriate tackle. In late spring and early summer black bream will nest inshore over rocky ground, typically with a thin covering of gravel or light shingle. The males will sweep away the gravel to form a circular nesting site, which they carefully maintain to attract a mate. The female lays her eggs in the nest and the male guards them until they hatch. When fishing for black bream it's often possible for recreational anglers to use side-scan sonar to find nesting sites on the sea floor. They tend to appear like a patch of circular, honeycomb-esque craters, as can be seen on the right hand side of this sonar pass. The usual side-scan sonar rules apply for best image quality; 3-5kts, flat calm, straight passes. As soon as I spotted the nests above I circled back around and sent a line down. First drop and what a result! This fine specimen graced the net. A lovely male. I was using a two-hook flapper rig with pennelled snoods and a single floating bead above the pennels, baited with squid strip. I find that 90% of the catches come to the lower snood, on the trailing pennel hook. I like to use floating beads as I believe it gives the squid strip a better profile when presented to a territorial bream. That said, bream will also take lures quite readily. The fish below fell to a silver 30 gram slow jig drifted over the nesting site. An important point about fishing over bream nesting sites – if a bream is taken from its nest, other fish will move in to eat the eggs within seconds, so if you’re catching & releasing it’s important to do so swiftly to give the bream every chance to return to his nest. If you’re catching for the table, then be selective and only take one or two fish in each nesting area to avoid fishing it out – after all this year’s bream eggs will be the future stock we want to catch in years to come.
  19. https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/12/british-dad-attempting-to-sail-the-atlantic-in-smallest-ever-boat-16814584/amp/ The words "floating coffin" spring to mind! 😬
  20. Nice fish! The club is going from strength to strength. Well done Leon 👍
  21. Hope they bang out Fear of the Dark for you. Or When the Wild Wind Blows. Or Final Frontier even. Bastard. #welljell
  22. Anyone out this weekend? Bit too blowy on the south coast so I'll be painting walls instead 🙄.
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