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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Very nice! What are the flatfish? Fluke/flounder? And what's the round fish? It looks massive.
  2. I snatched a couple of hours this evening at a mark on the Fowey estuary. As you can see the water clarity was good. I was using a Rovex 9ft spinning rod and a Major Craft 30gr slow jig in Zebra Glow pattern. The mark was a slim finger of rock past which the ebb tide was flowing, creating a small rip that I hoped would be used by bass or pollack as a spot to feed on sandeels. Casting across the rip and letting the jig flutter down it didn't take long before I had a hit. A nice plate-sized pollack which came home for tea, closely followed by a fat mackerel. Not to be outdone, a small ballan wrasse also took a shine to the slow jig just a few casts later. Three species within 30 minutes. Result! The light had begun to fade by now so with several more "last casts" I called it a night and headed home with two fishy friends in tow. This mark could be worth another visit if I can get out later this week.
  3. Andy135


    Good session with some great huss! Shame about the tope though. Circles are supposed to be good for hook-ups. What's happening do you think?
  4. Lovely write up Malc. I enjoyed reading that. 👍
  5. Top dangling! Well done to the youngsters taking part and well done to the skippers taking them out. Always good to have new blood in the sport.
  6. Could have been a close call! Good job you spotted it and got it sorted.
  7. Pah! Only 3 minutes? You gotta give it a proper listen. It's a grower remember?!
  8. Perhaps the tache keeps you going??
  9. It's a grower. Came across her as part of a set mix by Lost Frequencies which, as @Saintly Fish will tell you, is one of the top progressive Belgian producers making music today. Here's the mix in question. I challenge anyone not to find themselves vibing to this. Stick it on in the background whilst tying rigs, gutting fish or whatever and before you know it you'll be loving it. Genuinely, give it a try.
  10. Here's what I'm listening to at present. Getting in the European mood.
  11. Very sad. Depeche Mode are, IMHO, one of the unsung heroes of 80's electronica.
  12. Yes, a real shame. His part in Silence of the Lambs... 😬😬👍
  13. Good work Malc. Those rings have had it. What rings are you putting back on? When the time comes to replace the rings on my GX2's I might be tempted to go full Fuji and hopefully won't have to do them again.
  14. Andy135


    Bream, and plenty of them. 👍
  15. Sounds like it might be worth doing the calibration procedure again Gord. +/- 20 deg is too much variation. The Point-1 unit is accurate to 3 degrees, for example. What model is yours?
  16. Don't think the Dragonfly series are networkable, so it makes sense to replace with a plotter that can be connected to others for data sharing, such as charts, marks & GPS info. Networkable plotters are more expensive, but very worth it in my view.
  17. If boat orientation is important you'll need an electronic compass/GPS sensor (e.g. the Lowrance Point-1 GPS module). Regular units like Jon's don't actually have a way to know the orientation of the boat - they infer it from the GPS heading, but that only works when moving. For example, you could be drifting banks with the bow pointing across the tide, but without the compass module the plotter will show your boat pointing downtide.
  18. This is what Jersey Girl was fitted with originally, but I removed it all as it didn't work! The SS HDD had come loose and wouldn't boot up. Plus it was running 240v through an inverter, which I suspect may have been why my house regulator packed up. Personally I'm a Lowrance fan - simple, fast OS and good quality touch-screens.
  19. They look a bit swish! Almost too good to get dunked. Be interested to hear how they get on in 12 months time - hopefully they'll still look like that.
  20. Andy135


    Nice one Josh. I did consider the Overfalls for Sunday's weather, which incidentally turned out even better than the forecast predicted it would be, but in the end we stayed relatively local and went to Sandown Bay instead. Did you get caught in the sea fog that came down around 8.30am, or were you already far enough out to avoid it?
  21. Do you already have the transducer installed? If so, and assuming you want to keep it, the brand of plotter may be dictated by compatibility with your transducer. What transducer is it and what make is your existing plotter? Also, what's your reason for upgrading? This will also influence the choice of brand to upgrade to.
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