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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Well, that IS a sneaky tactic - the netsman only has one job to do, and if he bumps the fish off then he takes the heat for it. Should have made him swim home 🤦‍♂️🤣
  2. Empty coke bottle with a bottle cap clip. https://ultimatefishingfloat.info/
  3. Good plan. @Maverick should be able to host us in his summerhouse or failing that, in his guest wing.
  4. Whilst you're looking, see if you can find one that will take all eight of us. Could be a good giggle with eight of us under the same roof for a night... #hangoverfromhell
  5. Not yet, but I'm sure we'll see one soon! 👍
  6. Try telling that to the judge.
  7. That is hardly a shining example of leadership to follow though Jon... It would break/brake my heart to see you have your collar felt for something so avoidable. #ignoranceisnodefence
  8. See @JonC! We always told you they were no good, and now we have proof!! 🤣🤣 Cracking find @Malc! 👍
  9. Hmmm, wonder if that's an old, static version of tidal currents, perhaps showing maximum possible flow. Is there a little C in a box nearby you can click on, like in the image below? These give dynamic current info.
  10. Here's an example of how a mobile view of currents appears on the Navionics Boating App (the paid-for version of the free Navionics Web App). It should show current speed and direction per hour. Do you have a view like this? The regular web app version has dynamic tidal current info too. Example screenshots below, taken 5 mins apart, showing how the current speed changes with time from 2.2kts to 2.3kts.
  11. That seems right @Malc. I rarely use the tidal current arrows on my plotters but when I looked into them a few years ago I seem to remember they were as you indicated. Estimated direction of flow and speed in kts. One thing to bear in mind - I believe that Navionics will show the tidal speed at the current time. You may have to dive into the plotter settings (or Boating App settings) to find the current icon you want then select which time/day you want to see the direction and speed for. So, that 3kts may be today's speed and not necessarily the speed forecast for your trip.
  12. Immense fish! Very well done to the anglers. Seriously impressive.
  13. Yeah, it was more the potential consequences I was highlighting, and the fact that they can appear to be corrosion-free but still fail.
  14. I had the rear brake lines corrode through on that Disco I had. No MOT advisory on them beforehand... I was driving it at the time but luckily they went while parking, and I was just round the corner from my usual garage.
  15. Good work. Always worth asking for a second opinion. Except when it comes to my kids, who like to ask one parent for something, then go and ask the other if the first answer isn't what they hoped for 🤣
  16. Why's that Mike? No fishing? Or do you have something special up your sleeve??
  17. I'll be shore fishing with lures in Devon at the weekend - tides and weather look just right for a wrassing session on lures.
  18. When you say hull mounted, does it run through a hole in the hull, or is it bonded inside the hull in a tank of oil/liquid and fires sound waves through the hull? In short, I think you're saying it's not transom mounted?
  19. I've negotiated a special clause in the contract with the skipper: no dogfish, no payment.
  20. We planned that date just to avoid you Luke 😉 In all seriousness that's a shame, but there will be other charters and meets. And if all else fails, a cardboard cut-out would be a suitable option I'm sure 🤣
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