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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. 2022 Offshore Outlaws boat meet is now provisionally booked on Ocean Runner out of Poole on Saturday 2nd July. Fishing on the drift for plaice and gurnard with a chance of a turbot or brill, then fishing at anchor for rays and conger with a chance of tope. We have a middling tide to play with, which should provide a range of species to target. Depending on what's been caught the week prior the skipper may recommend a change of tactics/species nearer the time and will advise accordingly. Cost will depend on number of anglers but will be in the region of £75-95 per person. For those travelling from afar we'll be looking to get a hotel/large AirB&B on the Friday night to make the journey more manageable and to enable an early start on Saturday morning. It's fair to say that some alcohol may be involved on the Friday... Once we have an idea of numbers we'll ask for a small [non-refundable] deposit to reserve a space on the boat. Any lost deposit money will be used to buy the drinks for the remaining anglers on the Friday night, and we'll toast your absence at the bar. So far we have 4 anglers booked - 4 more spaces available, possibly 6 at a push. Who's in? Add your name below Neil + Leo Jon Andy
  2. If you're losing bottom at higher speeds then as @Saintly Fish suggests, check the transducer bracket is correctly aligned (assuming it's a transom-mounted transducer). It should be parallel to the line of the keel, or even facing into it ever so slightly, in line with the very edge of the transom, and positioned so that it doesn't see any prop aeration. It also needs to be in the water at speed - sounds obvious but if its mounted too high on the transom then as the boat lifts onto the plane the transducer could come out if the water if incorrectly located.
  3. Speaking of our celebrity anglers, look whose face popped out of my phone when I opened an email from Saltwater Boat Angling mag just now...
  4. Just caught this muntjac doe browsing in the garden.
  5. Found it! Was in my desk drawer all along. Will put it in the post.
  6. It's only not being recycled cos I can't find it 🤣. It'll be hiding in a box somewhere waiting to be unpacked after our move. When I come across it, it's yours 👍
  7. Fairly sure I have it somewhere, but it's not in the batch that will be recycled. When I find it I'll put it in the post to you.
  8. Possibly. Which issue was it? Or rough season & year?
  9. Do they share chart info and transducer dat via N2k? I always thought Ethernet/Garmin Marine Network was required for sharing large volumes of data.
  10. Of course. I had to work hard to hatch that one but for @Odyssey they just pop out naturally.
  11. Good effort Steve, thanks for the update 👍
  12. That is an eggscruciatingly bad pun.
  13. Maybe I've been trying the wrong tides, or wrong places... who knows. But it's been the hardest place to catch that I've ever fished. If your friends fancy donating some hints to an epic blanker then point them my way! 🤣
  14. Yeah, soz. Missed that. 🤦‍♂️
  15. Nice work @Herbs73. How high up do they have to be? Guessing fairly high?
  16. That area off St Cats looks great but is empty of fish. I burned more fuel than I care to remember over a couple of seasons fishing there and it was hard work every trip, with many, many blanks. 😭
  17. @Odyssey, have you hacked Neil's account and used it to post rubbish jokes??
  18. Has it been in front of your computer screen all this time?
  19. Reads this thread and pats Lowrance kit #itjustworks
  20. It's a good one, but somehow strangely familiar...
  21. Nice bream! First session sounded excellent. The second... not so much 🤣 Shame about catching covid - back luck. Fingers crossed for a swift recovery!
  22. Andy135


    Well done for trying Luke. I haven't been able to get afloat since Jan, so well done for getting out there. 👍
  23. Wow! What a day! Well done for such quick thinking and glad that all's well that ends well. At least you caught some fish too - a blank day would have been unbearable 😬
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