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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. That sounds like quite a project! Well done.
  2. What boat is that? Looks like an early Wilson Flyer or similar dory hull?
  3. Fantastic result! Very well done Nick. Will keep my fingers crossed that the confirmation goes your way - I'm sure it will. Sounds like a hard day's fishing, which makes your Gurnard all the more satisfying 👍👍
  4. Best artist on YouTube! Very well played indeed. Seriously impressive. 🤘 I'm just off to dig out my Nevermind album and give it another listen through now. 👍
  5. This was you, wasn't it?
  6. The current thinking is that it will be a full charter - that way we get to all fish (blank) together and it makes it easier/more feasible for members who are too far away to bring their own boat. That said, I'm open to members bringing their own boats if they want to.
  7. Stepdad had an F80 on his Ribeye rib. Can't remember what model year it was - would have been circa 2010-2012. Was fine when he had it. When I drove it it seemed smooth enough. What model year are you thinking of getting?
  8. Just seen a kite wheeling above the house.
  9. Guess it goes to show you can never tell what dirty little secrets people have in their closets. Weekend transvestite, adult baby cosplay, carp angler. 🤷‍♂️
  10. I enjoyed that. He's quite engaging to watch. Thanks for sharing.
  11. The only time I was put under a guinea fowl it refused to leave the tree it had perched in. No matter how hard the beaters tried, it just wouldn't budge 🤣 Needless to say it lived another day. Which is probably just as well as if I'd shot it I'd have felt obliged to take it home. After the shoot one of the beaters confided that they'd tried to eat one earlier in the season but no matter how they cooked it they couldn't get it tender. Tough as shoe leather apparently 😬
  12. I've heard of some shoots where you're fined if you shoot one, and fined if one gets up but you don't shoot at it. 🤣
  13. You mean like these?? 😬😬 Should I expect @mike farrants to kick my door down any minute??
  14. What do you mean you don't really hate him??
  15. Just watched the start of the vid and from what I can see a dingle dangle is what we would call a hair rig? The hook is presented just upline from the bait, rather than hooked into the bait itself. Don't see why it wouldn't work for larger species in the UK and might reduce unwanted bycatch of smaller species. I've seen (but not used) a similar technique for livebaiting with a bridle, where the hook is presented off the bridle instead of through the livebait.
  16. West Berks is stuffed with them - we usually see one or two every day. In fact, I've just spotted one out of my office window as I was typing this reply. Never seen a buzzard round here though.
  17. Driving home after dropping the boy off at Cubs this evening it seemed as though the woods were alive with wildlife. In the space of less than 200 yards I saw: A muntjac doe A very large buck rabbit Several squirrels A couple each of cock and hen pheasants And this chap. How he made it through the season and survived this long without a terminal visit from Mr Fox is beyond me!
  18. Ah, dear old Glenlivet. Wonder what happened to him. He seemed to drop of the face of the world, or at least off the internet. 🤷‍♂️
  19. If it's like the regular Navionics "subscription" for non-Garmin units, then it's not really a subscription service at all. It's just one-off fee, with free updates within that 12 month period. No rolling contract or auto-renewal. What I've done is buy a chart card then let the "subscription" expire - the card still works just like it always did - if I ever need/want to change map areas or get chart updates I'll renew the card as needed.
  20. I'm still quietly recovering from the shock of @Odyssey's weekend bait-gathering... 😱😭
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