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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Just so long as she doesn't steal Pot Noodles or you know who would have an epi 🤣
  2. Well chaps, I hope you all bag a whopper or three. Sad that I can't be there to join you but Mother's Day is sacred in our house. Whoever booked the trip for Mother's Day needs a stern talking to in my opinion... Anyway, think of me flicking paint around while you're hauling them in. Looking forward to the catch reports, and don't forget the pics for Jon (even though he'll be there to see it all happen...). Tight lines Outlaws!
  3. The point is, I'm at home, not dangling for dogfish with "internet friends", according to my wife. Got to score points where I can 🤣
  4. Very envious @Malc and @Saintly Fish. This weekend I will mostly be redecorating... 😖
  5. Thanks for the update. Sounds like a pig of a job - good work for persevering. 👍
  6. Andy135


    Your subbie not turned up for work again then? 🤥🤥
  7. A booby trap as a souvenir?! Fully nuts but also strangely brilliant 🤣👍 Great photos. I'm too young (just) to remember the Falklands war at the time, but full respect to those who served there.
  8. No fishing for me either this weekend as I'll be mostly ripping out moth-eaten carpets, repainting walls and throwing out a knackered gas barbecue that the previous owners "forgot" to take with them...
  9. Quality @Malc! Thanks for sharing. 👍 So, about that pig...??
  10. Very nice! Some cracking fish there! 👍
  11. Well that sounds like a good story. Come on Malc, do tell! 👍
  12. Andy135


    Wow! That's pretty serious Jon. Thanks for sharing. [sidles off to flush outboard]
  13. 7.5kg Delta anchor, 12m of 6mm chain and about 150m of 12mm warp. 26ft boat weighing between 2.5 and 3 tonnes. I used to use an Alderney ring and buoy when I had a Predator 165. A bit tricky to begin with but an absolute back-saver once familiar with the Alderney retrieval method. Most folks I've been out with seem to avoid polyprop rope as it floats and can be a prop-wrap hazard, plus it's murder on your hands. Instead I use nylon as it's more forgiving on your hands, it sinks, and it has a bit more stretch in it than polyprop, meaning less chance of pulling the anchor out if the boat moves around in a swell or wash from other boat traffic.
  14. Sounds like an adventure! Good luck 👍 P.S. if @JonC were going, I'm sure he'd find somewhere in his bikini to smuggle a pot or two 😉
  15. At least you got out Nick. Very envious. A few fish and a day on the water - what's not to like? 👍👍
  16. And they both look to turn the same way. One of them should rotate the opposite way ideally.
  17. That really is excellent news Ian! Very glad to hear. Fingers crossed that this is now the end of it for you, and the beginning of a long, calm summer of fishing 👍
  18. They won't dive if you drift them, because they're floating lures, so they'll just sit on the surface. They need to be pulled through the water so that the bibs can produce a downward force. What are you targeting in those spots? I'd have thought you might pick up a schoolie bass perhaps, but I'd have thought they would be better at somewhere like the Hurst Race, or along the back of Hurst Castle spit, over the bridge at the Needles, or even along the Hamble as you're motoring from Mercury to the Solent.
  19. With the size of the bibs on them I'd say they were fairly deep diving lures, so probably intended for slow trolling over shallow reefs for bass. Certainly they're on the large/heavy side for casting from most bass lure rods. Take them to Alderney - they could be fun to try over there.
  20. Bob, if you type the @ symbol followed by the username it will tag the user and they will get an alert that you've tagged them. Increases the chances of them seeing and replying to your question. @Bob Copeland@GPSguru
  21. I've probably already posted this one before but I'm listening to it again whilst making pizza for the kids and found myself getting lost in the mix. Every track a progressive banger! Middle daughter is dancing round the kitchen to it! 🤘🤘 Give it a listen in the background and you'll find yourself ready to go "out out" before you know it 😉
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