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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Double figure cod?! I can only dream... 😭
  2. Who's that in your profile pic Jon?
  3. Andy135

    New movie

    Stallone: I'm making a movie about composers. I'm playing Beethoven. Van Damme: I'll be Mozart. Schwarzenegger: Stop it guys, I'm not saying it.
  4. Good work - it's a bloody cheek if nothing else. Curious to see what they say.
  5. If they do, he/she must be blind with the amount of spelling errors and omissions that keep on getting published every month.
  6. Andy135


    It looks amazing. Such good condition considering what she's been through.
  7. New secret spots. I have the CMap Reveal chart and I also have a few other spots in mind.
  8. Hi Bob, I seem to remember that @Odyssey has some experience of Coppercoat. Could be wrong though. @Saintly Fish uses a home-brew version that seems to work well too. I'm sure they'll both be along shortly to advise.
  9. Trouble with that is there's a 50% chance they got it elsewhere, so not worth me getting the hat out for. Don't like those chances.
  10. You saying you didn't submit it to them? That they nicked it?
  11. This year I've set myself the target of finding a new/virgin plaice mark, catching a pollock from my local waters (they're thin on the ground round here), and actually getting out shark fishing (all the gear, no idea...). What are your new season's resolutions?
  12. It IS him!! They got his name wrong though. And possibly the location of the catch?
  13. Not soon enough! But yes, a mere blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things. Will head back to Lannacombe in the summer to see if I can do my best "middle-aged-man-squeezing-into-wetsuit-two-sizes-too-small" impression.
  14. And with an appropriate inflationary increase on top.
  15. Excellent result and well deserved! And well done to his skipper too. 👍
  16. Andy135

    Short trip

    What a way to celebrate his teens! Good work 👍
  17. You've done it now... boat all good but the weather will be crap for weeks 😭
  18. And we all know how that worked out the last time you gave a boat a check over for someone... 😱
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