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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Sorry to hear. Doesn't found very friendly at all. PS: the question took me about 5 mins, using only Google Maps and an online converter between statute miles and NM.
  2. That's unfair. He's old, but I'm fairly sure he's not dead yet...
  3. Ok then, how about having a go just for fun? Surprised you haven't come up with the answers already Ian 👍
  4. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
  5. I was talking about the pollock. Hardly get any of them our way.
  6. I'm not that short! 🤣 I can actually see over the bow just fine, but the hulls like to ride bow-up which means occasionally I have to crane my neck to see what's forward. I *may* also have been known to stand on tip-toes too...
  7. Ok, ok, so I probably need to get a box to stand on to see out... #shortandproud
  8. I find mine is very responsive to the trim tabs, but this means she needs them set properly for the conditions and as passengers move around on board. Mine is also a very dry ride... from inside the cabin 😁
  9. Did you bring her back yourself? Kudos if so. I bought mine from Jersey and had a skipper for hire make the crossing whilst I flew back.
  10. They are a favourite of mine but we don't seem to get many in the Solent though.
  11. Now you're talking!! 🤣
  12. Lovely photos of some cracking fish! Thanks for sharing, although posting all those unicorn pics may not win you too many friends 🤣👍
  13. So what you gonna do if your plotters fail then? Chop, chop!
  14. Come on chaps! No-one had a shot at this yet?
  15. Welcome Troy. What a lovely boat! How long have you had her? She looks very tidy. I have the cabin version but I must admit, I keep having dirty thoughts about the T-Top version 👍
  16. Learning about plotting a course. I haven't introduced them to cross-track error yet.
  17. Borrowed this from a car forum I'm on. One of their members found it in an attic clear out of an elderly uncle who was in the Navy all his working life. See how many Outlaws can find the course and arrival time.
  18. Andy135


    Nastly little buggers...
  19. Andy135


    That would be funny if it weren't so true 😭🤣
  20. Andy135


    Well, I've PM'd him to see if all is well. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞
  21. Well, the forecast for the next two weeks looks rubbish on the south coast. Just about doable for some shore fishing but the boat's a no-go for me for a while... 😭
  22. I use a wake board ballast bag to help mine sit down at the stern/up at the bow. My hull is designed to run bow up, so she likes a bit of weight in the stern. Agree with @Saintly Fish on relocating existing weight first before adding any. I run two house batteries and a start battery, and I deliberately positioned the second house battery to the starboard side to give better side-to-side weight distribution.
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