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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. My whiting season has been a bit average so far, so it's interesting you say yours were a bit small. Makes me feel slightly better 🤣. I reckon with the relatively warm winter we've had I'll give it another month then hit the plaice to see if they've come in early. High hopes 🤞🤞
  2. Your vid didn't load for me. Just showed a broken file logo. Wouldn't have bothered double-posting if I'd known it was going to load eventually.
  3. Personally I blame the boat owner. Downright inconsiderate buying a boat with a deck wash switch right where Jon's butt was.
  4. Nice one. Were you trying for them or was it bycatch? You did well to pick one up this early either way 👍
  5. Post up some pics of your boat when you get a chance. We all love a good boat pic here 👍 https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/13-show-us-yer-boat/
  6. Yep. Fair enough. Say no more! 🤣
  7. Welcome. Here's a guide to posting pictures on the forum.
  8. I've heard on the grapevine that some (very) early plaice have been showing from shore in East Sussex/Brighton way. Can't be too long before they make their way a bit further west. Anyone else heard of any coming out, either from shore or afloat?
  9. Keep up at the back... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-60149951
  10. Made me chuckle, but not as indirectly funny as your other efforts. 😉
  11. Agree - don't think my plotters have ever read 0 knots at sea, and even when I've had a plotter running on a battery at home the speed usually reads 0.1-0.2 knots when stationary.
  12. Great write up! You're racking up the catches Mike. Well done 👍
  13. Lovely session. Very envious. Well done both of you. 👍
  14. Not me. Family weekend ashore this time. Go carefully on Sunday - wind speed may be low but after 20's there may be a residual swell.
  15. Andy135


    Me too. Wonder if all is well. @JDP?
  16. Yep, that was us! Second time we've met on the water it seems. Last time was at the Fingers if I remember correctly. 👍 Glad you found some keepers. I was hoping for one or two for a friend but none turned up on the end of my line 😖
  17. I've done it before, but it's been a bit hit & miss. Had one in Jersey a few years ago from a harbour wall, and have tried in Pompey with no luck. Might give the 3 jig flapper a go at anchor over slack.
  18. Top dangling! Well done. I keep meaning to try for squid in Portsmouth but as I'm not local it seems a long way to drive just for a chance of squid. Dogfish on the other hand.... 😉
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