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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Andy135

    Just joined

    Nor is getting miffed about PN comments and threatening people with lists. We all know your sense of humour, but newbies may interpret it differently. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Andy135

    Just joined

    The list of normal people who give Pot Noodles a wide berth? Nothing wrong with them. 😉
  3. Andy135

    Just joined

    I didn't see any bad mouthing Jon. Didn't have you down as a snowflake either. 🤣
  4. Andy135

    Just joined

    Good stuff. Well done on the haddock. 👍 Pout can be a pest for us on the south coast but a decent sized one makes good eating - they are my son's favourite in batter with chips and beans. As for rigs, my all-round rig is the simple running leger, with either a single hook for small baits or a pennell for bigger baits. I use a variation on this theme for plaice (lots of bling and small hooks) to conger and cod (pennelled big hooks with 80-100lb traces). Hope this helps 👍.
  5. Andy135

    Just joined

    @JonC why the sad emoji?
  6. Excellent catches and pics as always! Thanks for sharing. #notjealousatall...much!
  7. Andy135

    Just joined

    Hi Malc, welcome to the site. I understand you have some good fishing ground up your way. What do you target? As Jon says, we love a good boat pic or three, so please do tell us about your yak set up on the Show Us Yer Boat thread (https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/13-show-us-yer-boat/). You mentioned you found us while searching for answers - what was the question you had in mind? Happy to help if we can. 👍
  8. That'll have @Geoff's toes curling... all those unnecessary capitals and a spelling error! In fact, it's making mine curl too. 😱
  9. Sounds like some marina-based friction going on. What's the story?
  10. Happy New Year to you too Steve 👍. Here's to a fish-filled 2022.
  11. Happy Birthday Mrs Swamp 🥳🥂
  12. Some nice fish there Jon. Top dangling 👍
  13. Yep, gotta hand it to you - very well done. Envious of your ability to get out fishing over the Xmas period too (I'm stuck with the in-laws in Cornwall and there was no room in the car for any fishing gear 😭). Nice catches and photos. The mince pie pic was my favourite - hmmm, mince pies 😍
  14. Those cancellations mixed things right up. But where there's uncertainty there's also opportunity. Who knows, perhaps @JonC will capitalise on it and make some ground up?
  15. Got any details? Where, what tides, baits etc. Any pics?
  16. Placeholder for @Saintly Fish 😁👍
  17. Some of the comments after the article are priceless 🤣
  18. Andy135


    With they way things are going we may well end up like that. Will have to get used to feeling like a pin cushion 😖
  19. Good write-up Steve. Shame you got a soaking but at least you caught a few. Well dangled 👍
  20. Yeah, I even surprised myself. Still hate football mind, but the gamification and analysis of the data behind player selections is what got me interested.
  21. Subtract Mike's 80 points from Week 1 when none of us were in and I'm 2 points ahead.
  22. @mike farrants, how does it feel to be in second place then? 😁
  23. Same for me too. Always the way... 😭
  24. Morning all. A good result in game week 19 so far... #itwontlast
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