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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Not sure Steve will be back somehow. Hasn't been online since his original post. Can't even blame @JonC for scaring him off this time...
  2. Happy eh? I'll remind you that you said that when you blank...
  3. Well done @Dicky. Good session 👍
  4. Surely he doesn't need another one?? He's had loads already! 🙊🤣
  5. Top dangling! Some lovely fish there. Shame you didn't get more doggies though, but I suppose you can't have it all eh? 😉
  6. Doggies are my favourite! Well done 👍
  7. I should add that I know full well that Sheffield is considered the "South North" but it's still bloody far north to me 🤣
  8. Up north isn't grim really. I work in Sheffield every Monday - love the place. Top beers too.
  9. I'd settle for 1 cod, any size...
  10. That's a good result. Well done and thanks for sharing 👍
  11. Ginger for life, not just a weekend 👨‍🦰
  12. Now that the weather is warming up and the spring species are are showing I'm starting to think about fishing goals for the season ahead. Mine is to buy a boat and catch more dogfish. #everyonelovesdogging What are you aiming for this year?
  13. It certainly is... they're my favourite 🐶
  14. Welcome @StevieC, I think you're the first here to fish from a Seadoo. Would be good to see some more pics if your set-up. Where do you keep the rods when under way? And you gear etc?
  15. Yes, how did you know? I could tell it was a plaice by its spots 👍
  16. I should add that I've only ever had one plaice from rod & line, which turned up on a rocky reef mark to ragworm static on the bottom - totally opposite to the received wisdom of bling on the drift 🤷‍♂️
  17. @GPSguru can help for plaice but be aware that bling will vary in different parts of the country. Whether that's due to the preferences of the fish or the angler is open to debate.
  18. @Saintly Fish have you been borrowing from @Odyssey's Big Book of Unfunny Jokes?
  19. Good effort! Does look snotty in the pics - top dangling in spite of the conditions 👍
  20. Cracking fish! Well done. A good day out despite the fog and the mileage 👍
  21. Good effort nonetheless. A nice day afloat and a few fish. 👍
  22. Good work. What were they taking? SPJ's?
  23. Urgh, that sounds a pain of a job. Good on you for taking the bull by the horns though. Curious as to why you had to lap the valves again? I thought they only needed lapping after installing new valve seats or new valves with old seats. As a side note I replaced a burnt valve on an old Astra I had years ago and never bothered to lap it in and it ran fine.
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