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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. But I'm not a lefty. I write with my right hand.
  2. Kudos to you BC boys having to contend with those tides. Must make fishing (and anchoring) a challenge. 👍
  3. Good work. Shame about the robbing seal though. I had a similar experience lure fishing from shore once. Had a wrasse that took off like a rocket about half way in. Thought I'd hooked the Meg until a seal's head pops up with my fish in its mouth and my lure in the fish's mouth. 😆
  4. The bottom line with HPI or Volvo is that they themselves can't turn an RCD 1 compliant engine into an RCD 2 compliant engine if the emissions/noise requirements have become more strict between 1 and 2, so unless you plan to modify the engine to meet RCD 2 criteria, all they can do is give you the RCD 1 CE mark documentation, which won't be helpful here. It's the act of importation that's the killer here, and it sticks in the throat that the same engines can be bought in boats already in the UK. The legislation intends to ensure that any boats brought into UK waters permanently meet current specifications, and it's just hard cheese that some of those boats would be older, used boats that will never likely pass the criteria for new boats.
  5. I'd be inclined to follow the advice already given on YBW and contact RYC for their point of view on it. Having glanced at the RDC 2 requirements (very briefly) the only sticking point for the prospective new boat would be the engine. Everything else can be made compliant without too much extra cash thrown at it, but the engine... 😬 Thinking sideways about this... if you really wanted the boat, you could think about removing the engine, trucking the boat and engine back separately, get the boat registered here, then drop the engine back in. It would be a "second hand" engine that could be bought from anywhere and who would be any the wiser?
  6. RCD 1 and 2 are pieces of EU legislation, and should no longer apply now that we've left the EU, unless we agreed to follow them as part of the Brexit agreement. @Saintly Fish, can you share a link to the requirement for compliance with RCD 2 when importing from the EU? I'm curious to know more about the legal requirement (and how it may or may not be enforceable). JG wasn't imported from the EU, so it didn't apply to her. All I had to worry about was paying the VAT.
  7. Some great catches and pics there Gord. Sounds like the new boat is working out well for you 👍
  8. Not sure he'd be a mate for much longer with that success rate 🤣 #unicornenvy
  9. A quick and easy fix. Good result. 👍
  10. Nice one! Replace split rings top and bottom. Then either new treble and use as designed, or assist hook at the top and use a bit like a slow jig. As for rust removal - try rubbing with a bit of brasso, or Y-10 gel.
  11. No googling required. These are often used on cars to drive tachos, abs systems etc. I had to fight with one on a kit car I built years ago - never did get it to work properly in the end. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall_effect_sensor
  12. If all the connections are sound, and if it's a hall effect sensor check the gap between the sensor and the flywheel teeth. The sensor bracket may have been nudged/bent out away from the teeth, which would give no signal. The gap between the two is usually surprisingly small when working properly.
  13. Having made flying collar booms using welding rods in the past, I can only imagine how hard it would be to DIY those aussie twists, and to make them look good, with an even coil and eye. Whilst it might be a fun (exasperating) project, it will be cheaper and less aggro to buy them in. Life's too short IMO.
  14. Quality report of two great sessions Ian. Some lovely fat bass there. 👍 Interesting to hear that SPJ's did the business over flying collars. Glad you're feeling well enough to get out there too.
  15. Look at that ray! Quality catch 👍👍 What did it weigh?
  16. I'd have thought it would be a loose connection somewhere then, either at the tacho end or at the alternator end. Any chance you could have knocked a connection loose when removing/reinstalling your water pump recently?
  17. Is the alternator still working/charging? Do you have a voltmeter on the dash and does it read 13-14v? If not, it may be that your alternator is failing.
  18. I always get twitchy about anchoring near other boats, and when other boats anchor near me, for this reason. Always used to hate it when using the alderney ring too as you need some working room between boats to recover the anchor. Less so when using a windlass, but still not ideal.
  19. Yes, and left it in a bath of salty water for a day to get rid of the urea taste that they can sometimes have. Maybe it absorbed some of the water and went mushy, and perhaps freezing drives out some of the water? Might give it a freeze first next time I catch a decent one.
  20. I tried eating one a few seasons ago. Once finned and skinned it comes out like this. I then cut it into chunks/goujons, rolled in flour, salt & pepper then shallow fried it. The taste was ok, but I was underwhelmed by the texture - a bit mushy and gelatinous. Not flaky and firm like white fish. Be interested to hear how you get on with it in a curry - the softer texture might work better in a thick, spicy sauce than it did as fried fish.
  21. Andy135


    Says the man asking about how to put a small plotter in a big hole...
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