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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Sod's Law dictates that you'll bag up on doubles in the practice session but blank in the comp. 🤣
  2. Sent to prison because he wouldn't surrender the lease, or sent down first and wouldn't surrender it whilst inside?
  3. Andy135


    🤣 It's a classic!
  4. When you say virtual accounts, do you mean they're not trading accounts, rather they mirror what you would have made had you invested real cash? Or are they online trading accounts with your money deposited in them? Either way, to have made £6k and £7k in the space of a year sounds impressive. What % gain / how much capital invested to return those numbers? I have a trading account with Hargreaves Lansdown that's made me about 1.5% over the last 18 months. Not great, but massively better than the measly 0.1% that my bank offers for a savings account. I stick to UK equities - partly because HL charges fees for holding funds and they don't offer FX trading, but also because it's easier to research quality companies if they're UK based. Most FTSE companies are paying dividends again now which, thanks to dividend reinvestment and compounding, makes any investment grow quicker. I use a buy and hold strategy i.e. buy high quality companies and hold them for at least 5 years. Disclaimer: none of the above should be interpreted by anyone as investment advice. I'm not qualified and I simply state how I invest. What works for me may not work for you. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance yada, yada, you get the idea...
  5. 22! That's gotta give @MegaByte a run for his money I'd have thought!
  6. Great photo. Look at that glassy sea 👍
  7. Love the comments in that article, particularly the last one... "useless!" 🤣 I like the idea of electric outboards, but I do agree with the comments. The performance isn't (yet) where it needs to be to offer true competition to ICE outboards. But it's a good step forwards, and I'm sure there will be more to come as the technology improves and range/performance increases.
  8. Andy135


    Welcome Tanky! You have some good fishing round your way. Looking forward to your catches. Nice boat too. Suggest you post up some photos of her here as we love a good boat pic or two. 👍 https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/13-show-us-yer-boat/
  9. Very envious - those flat calm days are few and far between. Well done for putting it to such good use - not jealous at all... much! 😉
  10. Good luck with the venture, but remember to give us warning before you buy a new boat - 6 weeks bad weather and all that 🤣
  11. So the Only Fans stuff is paying off then?
  12. Top report! The conditions look beautiful, and with some nice fish too, especially the dogfish! 😉👍🤣 That is a very fine blonde. Excellent work! Post up an entry in the PB section for posterity: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/28-pb-gallery/ I heard that some of the ECA members were out by the Nab today, but no cod for them either, sadly. Still, got to be in it to win it, so well done for getting out there.
  13. Mike, were you using a light source e.g. starlights or glow in the dark squid jigs for these?
  14. Thanks Mike. Speaking of cold, the zip broke on my fishing jacket, and I really could have done with it zipped up properly! Brrr!
  15. You know what, that's pretty much exactly what the trip was for. Can't have a weekend without wetting a line in some way 😬
  16. In the spirit of continuing to learning the mark, I gave Gilkicker a shot last night from the shore. I arrived just after low and planned to fish the flood for a few hours to see what species might be present. One rod at distance with pennelled 4/0's and double-squid, and one closer in with black lug tipped with squid tentacles on a size 1. The forecast said westerly, 8's and 9's dropping to 4's and 5's (mph) but in fact the wind speed picked up throughout the evening. No rain though, which was a plus. Bites were thin on the ground but at least the weed was too. I missed a couple of rattles that didn't really develop into anything, and annoyingly had something drop off halfway to shore. Luckily the best fish of all put in an appearance and saved the blank. Which was followed by a whelk, hooked in the foot. Packed up at 10pm and was home by 11.30. Not a brilliant night, but also not a blank. Always good to get at least a little bit of fishing in on the weekend.
  17. Very envious! Well done. I've been meaning to try for squid for a while and I keep hearing of a few coming out in the East Wight area, so you've given me added impetus to get out there. 👍 That 4lb'er is a beast. Top marks to Tim.
  18. Now his schoolboy error is not that he's looking at more fishing gear, but that he's let himself get caught doing it 🤣
  19. We need @Saintly Fishto give it a ginger make-over, then it'll be perfect! 🤣
  20. Is this your new tractor? Certainly looks well taken care of. I particularly like the bean can.
  21. If we can get that Poole charter done and fished it would be a good way to check out the facilities for Poole as a meet location. Close enough for the Solent Outlaws to cruise across in their tubs, and further west enough that we may entice one or two of the West Country Outlaws to make the trip up, either in their boats, on trailers or on foot. Plus, the PBSBAC boys may be up for a little friendly competition on their doorstep?
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