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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Top performance from your team this week @Saintly Fish 👍 Off the bottom at last.
  2. He doesn't help himself by ignoring his team though. One of his forwards is injured but he hasn't switched him out for a couple of weeks...
  3. @suzook12 you've had a strong Saturday. Making Cancelo your captain was a good move today. 👍
  4. Nice! That's quite a score! Well done and I'm looking forward to the report 😉👍
  5. Repetition works... for toddlers! 🤣 For the rest of us it just gets old. Quickly.
  6. Nope, here... you need to get some new lines...
  7. I'm sure I've seen these photos somewhere before... 🤔
  8. Yep, and just as well I checked my team selection a bit earlier - last minute injury and illness forced a transfer and a formation change!
  9. GW11 is nearly here! Who's feeling confident then?
  10. Ouch - that's quite a swing you have with your handbag! 👜
  11. Three engineers and three accountants are travelling by train to a conference. The accountants take their seats, but the engineers all cram into one toilet and shut the door.Shortly after the train departs, the conductor comes round checking tickets. He knocks on the toilet door and calls "Tickets please". The door opens a crack and a hand comes out holding a ticket, which is duly checked. The accountants see this and agree it's a good idea.After the conference, the accountants decide to try the trick and save some money.When they get to the station, they therefore just buy one ticket. However, to their amazement, the engineers don't buy any tickets at all."How are you going to travel without any ticket?", an amazed accountant asks.... "Watch and see!", comes the reply.So, when they get on the train, the accountants cram into one toilet and the engineers all crowd into one nearby. The train departs.Shortly afterwards, one of the engineers leaves their toilet and walks over to the one that contains the accountants.He knocks on the door and says "Tickets please!"
  12. I would ordinarily agree with you... if we'd been targeting turbot! 😛
  13. I've only ever caught one... as bycatch when drifting for tope! Took a side of mackerel bounced along the bottom south of the IoW. Which reminds me, even when tope fishing I was using a simple running ledger.
  14. Are you talking about common skate like they get up in Scotland or "skate" as shorthand for any of the ray species? I've never targeted common skate so I can't offer any advice on skate rigs specifically. However, a bottom fishing rig for general species including any of the rays would be a running ledger with appropriately sized weight depending on tide strength. Trace would be, let's say, 80lb mono and a size 6/0 Aberdeen style hook. This set up catches me conger, whiting, pout, dogfish, smoothound, rays etc. Species may vary in your neck of the woods.
  15. I use a simple running ledger for all of my downtiding at anchor. Hook sizes and trace material will vary depending on the species being targeted. What species and style of fishing are you planning on? A plaice rig is different from a bream rig is different from a conger rig, for example.
  16. Excellent news! You sound like you've definitely got the spring back in your step. Mermaids and barmaids watch out! 😉👍🤣
  17. Who are the kids sitting next to him? They look somewhat uncomfortable 🤣
  18. An avoidable tragedy. For those who run diesel heaters, check your exhausts. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-59167268
  19. Densely populated cities eh? I wonder who you could be referring to?? 🤣🤣
  20. They're both from the island, so they must be related somehow.
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