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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Ah right. We're on holiday that week, but for some reason I thought he was available. It'll always be a ballache finding something that works for everyone. @suzook12 we'd love to have you and your son on board. What do you propose as a next step?
  2. Sorry you feel we booked without consulting you Steve. It's always tough to find a date that works for everyone. In this case I we found a date that worked for the majority and that aligned with the skipper's availability. If it helps I'd be happy to stand down, which would open up the Feb half-term week for you and your son if that works for you and everyone else?
  3. Doesn't work for me either this time. 403 error.
  4. Don't displace your negativity onto me, thanks! You could have chosen option B - we're all pros, but it seems you didn't look past option A. #missedatrick
  5. Either: A) He saw us coming and wanted to fill the lean month in his calendar. Or B) He knows we're all pros and wanted to fill the angling mags with our catch pics in the leanest month of the year.
  6. Found this on a car forum I look into occasionally. The mind boggles, and tears form in the eyes... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9996959/Boy-15-gets-USB-cable-stuck-penis-sexual-experiment-gone-wrong.html
  7. Actually I find that mid-March plus the six months either side of it to be the most challenging... #whatablanker
  8. Right, so if I'm the brain and you're not gonna read it, then quit moaning and embed the fucker.
  9. Don't have to take my word for it. It's only one of the most basic rules of site-building. https://www.google.com/amp/s/neilpatel.com/blog/embed-videos/%3flang_geo=us&amp
  10. Because nobody likes having to click off a site they're viewing. Better experience for all if it's embedded into the post.
  11. Get in! That's a great result. Let me know if you need another copy of the logo file. Can't remember if the last supplier cocked up the logo wave or if it was missing from the file.
  12. Result! Good work. Thanks for sharing 👍 What are your plans for it now then? Install in a tub or polish and flip?
  13. 5, and that's only because I'm feeling generous...
  14. Yes, I noticed you were trying to sneak in at the back. A solid performance from most of your team but your Saints loyalty was a bit mis-placed - I see you got lucky with an auto-sub on your keepers that banked you an extra seven points. My usually dependable defence put in a poor performance and I gambled on Cancelo as Captain, which was a wasted bet in the end, so I've swallowed a -4 penalty for next week and transferred in Salah to boost my midfield and provide a better candidate for Captain.
  15. Good stuff. Would love to see a vid of it running 👍 A tractor you say...??
  16. Good thinking Batman 👍 Hadn't considered a vehicle pump.
  17. Mike's looking unstoppable at the moment. What are we gonna to do catch him up then?
  18. Andy135


    That actually made me chuckle. A worthy 5. 👍
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