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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Did you nick that from @Odyssey's Bumper Book of Shit Jokes? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  2. Did your PE teacher tell you that when you came last in the egg and spoon race at sports day?
  3. Aw bless! 🀣🀣🀣
  4. Well @mike farrants, Salah did you proud today as captain πŸ‘ I see the OO league positions have changed again. Everything to play for still!
  5. You just want to make me look like I'm stood at the dry stack having a wank, don't you... #wasntbornyesterday
  6. I already investigated this option but there don't seem to be any petrol-safe 12v pumps. Diesel, yes. But not petrol, unless you go professional and spend a few hundred. Even the cordless drill powered fluid pumps aren't safe for petrol.
  7. I didn't use it all on that trip Pete.
  8. How long would it take to jiggle 100+ litres?? Think I'd rather pay the extra and save the time.
  9. I thought it was you and Ray but couldn't be certain. Would have given you a wave if I'd known if was you. πŸ‘‹
  10. It's just not practical to use cans. My filler caps are on the port gunnel by the wheelhouse window. To reach them from the cockpit I have to lean out and round the wheelhouse with one arm outstretched. I'd have to balance the cans on the gunnel whilst pouring the fuel.
  11. It gave her a massive headache, almost like a migraine, and 24 hours of lethargy. She's fine now though.
  12. Excellent news Geoff!. But heads up that the flu jab seems to be a rotter this year. Mrs135 had it from Boots last week and it hit her hard. Fingers crossed it treats you well 🀞
  13. Let's be honest, Krul only got a point for turning up 🀣
  14. Hard to say but my average speed is about 20-22kts, consuming between 9-10gph So 40 hours at 10 gallons per hour is 400 gallons. Multiply by 4.5 litres per gallon = 1800 litres. But this doesn't consider all the hours I've spend drifting with the engine at idle, or the time passing in and out of the harbour at 10kts or in the marina at 4kts, so I'd imagine the actual consumption will be a good bit less. For example, I know I haven't spent north of 3 grand in fuel, which is what 1800 litres would cost, so I know I can't have burned anywhere near that amount. Based on my visits to the fuel jetty I reckon I've spent less than a grand on fuel in 12 months.
  15. My gauges don't read in litres per hour... only gallons 😱
  16. Yes, I zoomed in to make it look extra-large. Wallet is now whimpering quietly in a darkened room. Was a bit rock & roll to begin with but seemed to flatten off by 3.30-ish.
  17. I had Jersey Girl's outboard serviced yesterday. The last time I had her serviced was just before I put her in the water for the first time under my ownership. Turns out I've done just over 40 hours on the water in the last 12 months. This is almost double the amount of water time I had per year with Apache. πŸ˜πŸ‘ Part of this will be because Jersey Girl is bigger and can take rougher conditions more comfortably meaning more fishable weather windows, but on reflection I believe the fact that I don't need to beach launch the boat and recover it manually each time like I did with Apache has significantly contributed to me using it more. I can now nip down to the boat (nipping down is all relative, right?) and grab a couple of hours on the water like I did today. I remember I was in two minds as to whether to go bigger and swallow the costs of drystack compared with the (relatively small) cost of keeping Apache at the ECA, and I think I remember asking on here, or maybe the previous Outlaws forum, whether bigger boats equals more water time - the facts would suggest they do, and I have absolutely no regrets in deciding to upgrade. Bigger is definitely better! πŸ˜†
  18. I had a free afternoon today as our Poole charter was postponed, so after a quick check of weather and tides I headed south to soak some squid for a few hours. First drop produced a very positive bite whilst I was baiting up the second rod. Winding down into it, the fish felt busy but not at all cod-like. And it wasn't. Finished baiting up all the rods and so the waiting began... And I was still waiting a couple of hours later. Nothing else turned up, and my time was running out. Headed back and stopped at the fuel jetty on the way in as my forward tank was showing as 3/4 empty. My wallet is now equally empty... Still, always good to be on the water, whatever the cost.
  19. I'll keep it a surprise for you until he embeds his photo.
  20. Good effort getting out. That's a nice ray. Good dangling and good skippering πŸ‘
  21. Ouch! That's a long way to go to decide against a boat. But fair play, if it's not right, it's not right.
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