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    Andy135 reacted to suzook12 in Nicholson Trailer   
    Got a bit further with this much later than planned. The rollers (all bar one) are now fitted. I have started making the pins for the snubbers too. They are roughed out to size waiting to be finished one evening this week.
    Strangely, I feel far more confident on the lathe than the mill and setting it up, so when I found it was cutting a taper, it was quite easy to adjust to get it cutting at an allowable tolerance.

    The new rollers were 19mm bore, the old ones were 16mm, so the trailer had to be drilled out to accommodate. A 19mm blacksmiths drill from toolstation was the solution. Managed to mash my hand up in the process!! New drills are generally too sharp for hand drilling of larger sizes which often results in chipped cutting edges and drills grabbing. Impressed that my ryobi 18v brushless could spin me up. Not so impressed that when it did, it kept smashing my hand into bracketry and the like.... Hohum

    I did say ouch followed by ooo that smarts!!
    The bunks got loaded up and taken to the workshop ready for new carpet. We are getting there, Will be borrowing a staple gun to get the new carpet fitted along with glue as well. Hoping next weekend, the trailer will be ready to take the boat....
    Really busy at the moment as got 4 weeks to get at least 3 bikes ready for auction and delivered, as well as getting the boat sorted.
  2. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Mackerel sizes...   
    What happens on the boat, stays on the boat!
  3. Like
    Andy135 reacted to suzook12 in Jack Tar 17fter   
    This week has been spent making a floor drain for the cockpit floor. Yes, I probably could have bought one, yes it would have been quicker and easier, BUT I have a mill sat there that I need to learn how to use fully. I also had a lump of ally that I could use, so a no brainer really.
    Manual machining takes a lot of time and mistakes are extremely easy to make so this has been a while in the making. What with work n stuff, this was started last weekend and finished this weekend. But, all bar deburring etc it is ready.

    Learnt quite a bit doing this about setups and the like. This did an awful lot of bowing during the process which made it extremely hard to get even depth of cuts. So well worth the time to do it. Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Next time you guys see this, it will be in position and nailed down.
  4. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Caw722 in New Member   
    Sent them an email so lets see what happens. Got to admit it ticks all the boxes.
  5. Haha
    Andy135 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Recommend me...   
    You wrote a catch report??
  6. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to Caw722 in New Member   
    Pretty set at £20K max, the long haired General will have my eyes out if I take the p#ss 🙂
  7. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in BFT Tyneside!!!   
    Eventually it got posted but it is a bit annoying due to manic laughing and the shark was seen for less than a second. To my eyes its a porbeagle as I can't see a tail lobe.
    I won't post it as its a waste of an hour of your life. 
  8. Agree
    Andy135 got a reaction from Saintly Fish in New Member   
    Sounds like you'd be looking for a semi-displacement hull, rather than a displacement hull such as the Colvics then. These tend to have speed and stability together. 
  9. Agree
    Andy135 got a reaction from daio web in New Member   
    Sounds like you'd be looking for a semi-displacement hull, rather than a displacement hull such as the Colvics then. These tend to have speed and stability together. 
  10. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to mike farrants in Recommend me...   
    serve with a glass of Marborough Sauvignon Blanc, and an arty photo taken in your sauna please! 
  11. Haha
    Andy135 got a reaction from mike farrants in New Member   
    Didn't work for you though, did it?! 🤣
  12. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to Saintly Fish in New Member   
    Tight fisted _ _ nchor you fill in the blanks!!
  13. Agree
    Andy135 reacted to mike farrants in New Member   
    Hi Paul, 
    this lot here will happily spend your boat budget for you they love boat shopping! - give us an idea what you are after and they will double the size and power for you!!
  14. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from daio web in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    Yeah I was thinking of him when I typed that.
    He's still around on our Outlaws WhatsApp but he's deleted all his posts on the forum. Genuinely not sure if he'll be back or not. I hope so, but let's see.
  15. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to daio web in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    you are turning into jon haha how is he not heard of him hope hes doing ok 👍
  16. Agree
    Andy135 got a reaction from daio web in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    Yeah, he didn't want his anchor tangled again so he left me behind 😭.
  17. Optimistic
    Andy135 reacted to Saintly Fish in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    You opted for Bristol instead. Obviously still suffering from intolerable feelings of inadequacy! 
  18. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Saintly Fish in If I were fishing for Bream....   
    ..... I could have caught loads. 
    But I wanted to get an early Solent unicorn. 
    That didn't happen. But a second biggest bass of 8.37lb did happen and I'll take that all day. 
    Had a couple more bream, a snake and an LSD (where have they been?). 
    Went home and filleted the bass which will provide 3 people 2 good meals each. One in the form of a fish pie, the other to be determined!! 




  19. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Caw722 in New Member   
    Good afternoon all, just joined the forum so thought I'd make a quick introduction.
    I am Paul, and I currently live in Hull but moving back up the the North East region in the not to distant future (house sale depending)
    Looking at buying my first boat in a few weeks and running it out of either Hartlepool or Seaham depending on mooring fee's and availibility.
    I hope to be able to tap into the knowledge and experience I'm sure the group has.
  20. Like
    Andy135 reacted to mike farrants in Friday 6th Sept - Evening squidding.   
    knowing the squid were in early and conditions looked perfect i had to get out - i was tempted by Thursday evening but the rain put me off, Friday looked just as good so i went for it.
    I know how finicky they can be, requiring high tide at or after dusk, calm winds/sea state for days before, clear water, and preferably clear skies.
    As a result it can be a short window if the rest of the season is blown off. so you have to take your chances when you can and boy did it pay off!
    at 6pm I got to a new mark I wanted to try and found it too shallow - so headed to the pier with the rest of the UKs squid fisher people.
    one pier was closed so the other one was rammed - people were catching from the off, and all around me but not me. boats were also drifting close in to the pier to get in on the action.
    I was casting a variety of jigs (cheap amazon ones, Yamashitas and DTDs) and leaving one under a float - but no joy in 2 hours - the pier got busier and busier as the evening moved on and it simple wasn't fun for me getting tangled with others casting over me from a mere arms length away - it was pretty much shoulder to shoulder.
    Id had enough and went back to my original mark to find only one other person there and plenty of water. 
    First cast at dusk got a take on the DTD under a float but I lost it - never mind, within a few minutes i'm on again on the casting jig from CWeights- and then proceeded to catch squid after squid. i favoured the Cweights jig as it was working - but others were catching on a variety on styles and colours

    More turned up including a grandad and grandson and a few first timers - great to see them getting in on the action. 
    You could see the squid follow the jig and if you slowed down you could watch the 'take' - even if you dropped one close in you could catch it again. 
    when I got to 9 I was keen to get my double figures, but it had gone quiet, others had left and it was just me and one other - i didn't want to leave without my 10th - but luckily they came back - and i got another 4 - ending on 13 - and just under 4kg of fresh squid!

    brilliant fun and at 10.30pm I called it a night. 
    Bait freezer nicely stocked up now - we get mackerel all year round here and the chance to bag up on squid in the autumn - apart from worms i don't spend any money on bait anymore!
    happy days!
  21. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Odyssey in Solent, 7th Sept   
    Great photos guys, great to see you on the fish 🙂 
  22. Like
    Andy135 reacted to mike farrants in Sunday 8th September - Weymouth   
    Met at Tims boat for 7.30 and away by 7.45am
    Met with Flat calm conditions - eerily quiet with no wave noise!

    1st entrance for bait - targeting mackerel and Squid. We'd had 2 good sized (20cm) squid and 6 decent mackerel within the hour - so off to the mark earlier than usual.
    We get to our mixed ground mark and drop the hook and start fishing - both on 2 rods - i'm on a 3 hook flapper with fresh squid strips for small stuff and one big rod with mackerel flapper for rays - Tim has gone with 2x big baits. 
    Bream from the off for me - to the point i couldn't get my 2nd rod rigged and in for about 30 mins! and stayed like that all day - seriously constant.

    also getting poor cod, mackerel and small straps on the rig too - at one point i had a triple shot - poor cod on the bottom hook, Bream on the middle hook, and a mackerel took the top hook on the way up - certainly livened things up!!

    the big rod eventually got a look in, with a few bigger conger coming to the boat, then i sent a mackerel head down - usually deadly for a ray, huss or conger. wasn't long before something started to play with the bait - as I pulled into it I though I was snagged - but no, it was a fish, not much fight so i assumed Huss - but  to my surprise a lovely Undulate came to the surface - quickly netted and in. 

    she went to 56cm - any one know the weight conversion for a ray? 
    then followed more action from the bream, conger Eels, mackerel and Scad.
    even had the smallest mackerel ive ever seen!

    Tim had congers all morning - and then switched to the bream. i must have had in excess of 25 bream and Tim got into double figures too - they are ferocious eaters, stripping baits like piranhas and great fun on light gear!
    the wind and tide couldn't make up their mind which was stronger so we called it at 3pm rather than swing around getting snagged and tangled. A great days fishing!
  23. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from daio web in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    Well dangled. Sounds like the beads saved the day for you 👍
    Must have been something about the date on Sunday as we had anchor troubles too. But that may have been down to user error. Possibly. 😳
  24. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to jonnyswamp in Weymouth 7th Sept   
    Been using them for a few yrs and always seem to do OK
    As for the anchor, there's been reports of a ghost net in the area where ours got stuck
    C'mon tell us about the anchor, what did he do wrong 😁
  25. Agree
    Andy135 got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Solent, 7th Sept   
    Yep, us too. We had a crap (and therefore boring) winter last year. Hoping for a few more of those lovely still winter days with hardly a breath of wind and no fog... 
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