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  1. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Josh in 29th June southwest   
    Too good a Saturday forecast to miss saw me towing to Cornwall Friday night.
    arrival around 1ish launching at daylight meant couple hours sort rods unstrap pack away and shut eye for not very long but it all helps.
    first stop was bait and I was picking up some
    jumbo mackerel only close in which was great after about 8/9 I headed out.

    i stopped off on the way out around the reefs what difference the not netting of pollack has made. Well saying that Iv seen more fish in the past but compared to last year there were a few good fish back !

    Pushed out to the 20mile band it was glass on the way out which was lovely then I spent an hour or so over the slack trying for ling on this wreck. I know they’re on there I just couldn’t get them ..another time !
    dumped the chum over and waited quite a while with no wind i was moving with the tide but not a great deal.
    then I had one probably of 40lb.
    Hour or so later I had a better one round more like 75lb the boat going for the chum bag and the proper.
    i had this fish round the bait and I could wind up any more so I just hand hooked her and she wernt happy gave me a searing run. Great fun

    the Yank
    The run 


    curious blue

     I ended up with another one so 3 in total
    Had to pull the hook in again by hand to get that last one tight , rather that than deep hook. 
    food as follows

    Bangers on boat took some skin damage @JonC

    Dinner made up for it
    then I crawled into the tent 💤 
  2. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Odyssey in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    A few sharks before mal de mer took over….
    short day, happy customers

  3. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from Scotch_Egg2012 in Solent, 21st June: a day of doubles   
    Midweek I get a sneaky message from. @Saintly Fish sending me an XC forecast and asking if I could be available on Friday. With my work schedule looking relatively clear I move a couple of meetings and get the ok to skip off work for the day.
    A 4.45am wake-up wasn't the nicest but boy was it worth it. Out of the marina by just after 6am. Mint conditions as soon as we hit the water, and we were on our mark by 7.30am.

    The target was stingrays. By 7.37am Neil nails a thumping bite to boat a beautiful 10lb smoothound, taken on ragworm.

    20 minutes later he does the same with another lovely smoothie, this one nudging 12lb.

    Feeling the pressure a little at this point I'm glad to see my rod tip give a good rattle then bend nicely. After a lively scrap we see our target coming to the surface.

    My first ever stingray, about 4lb and very welcome. I also managed a couple of out-of-season congers too, on both my rods at the same time. Very surprised to see them in summer.
    The next 30 mins or so were quiet, with nothing bothering our baits. Neil rustled up a stingray of his own as the top of the tide neared.

    Slack water arrived and with the wind building a little we settle in for the start of the next tide. All of a sudden our rods go nuts! With bending rods and drags singing we each have decent fish on. After a bit of Laurel & Hardy shenanigans with the net we boat two lovely smoothies.

    Really chunky ones at 14lb and 12lb and a new PB for me.
    Another few fish follow, sending the rods over in typical smoothound smash & grab style.

    At this point we'd lost count of the number of hounds to the boat, but we're fairly certain we had 7 double-figure hounds by the time we ran out of bait and headed in, plus two stingrays, two congers and two PB's for me. We ended the day with a well-earned beer in glorious sunshine back at the marina.
    Big, big thanks to @Saintly Fish for hosting, skippering and putting us on the fish 💪👍.
  4. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from Scotch_Egg2012 in One of these days...   
    @Saintly Fish and I went mulleting with @Scotch_Egg2012 from shore a couple of seasons ago. Bloody frustrating they were.
    Would love to properly target them but I'm not sure I have the patience.
  5. Like
    Andy135 reacted to JDP in Solent, 21st June: a day of doubles   
    We tend to hook a fair few from the shore, which can be very large stubborn things to land and unhook. I have some good friends who moved to Maroochydore and my daughter is up there at the moment fishing. 
  6. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from JDP in Solent, 21st June: a day of doubles   
    Midweek I get a sneaky message from. @Saintly Fish sending me an XC forecast and asking if I could be available on Friday. With my work schedule looking relatively clear I move a couple of meetings and get the ok to skip off work for the day.
    A 4.45am wake-up wasn't the nicest but boy was it worth it. Out of the marina by just after 6am. Mint conditions as soon as we hit the water, and we were on our mark by 7.30am.

    The target was stingrays. By 7.37am Neil nails a thumping bite to boat a beautiful 10lb smoothound, taken on ragworm.

    20 minutes later he does the same with another lovely smoothie, this one nudging 12lb.

    Feeling the pressure a little at this point I'm glad to see my rod tip give a good rattle then bend nicely. After a lively scrap we see our target coming to the surface.

    My first ever stingray, about 4lb and very welcome. I also managed a couple of out-of-season congers too, on both my rods at the same time. Very surprised to see them in summer.
    The next 30 mins or so were quiet, with nothing bothering our baits. Neil rustled up a stingray of his own as the top of the tide neared.

    Slack water arrived and with the wind building a little we settle in for the start of the next tide. All of a sudden our rods go nuts! With bending rods and drags singing we each have decent fish on. After a bit of Laurel & Hardy shenanigans with the net we boat two lovely smoothies.

    Really chunky ones at 14lb and 12lb and a new PB for me.
    Another few fish follow, sending the rods over in typical smoothound smash & grab style.

    At this point we'd lost count of the number of hounds to the boat, but we're fairly certain we had 7 double-figure hounds by the time we ran out of bait and headed in, plus two stingrays, two congers and two PB's for me. We ended the day with a well-earned beer in glorious sunshine back at the marina.
    Big, big thanks to @Saintly Fish for hosting, skippering and putting us on the fish 💪👍.
  7. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Just heading out...
  8. Agree
    Andy135 reacted to GPSguru in garmin   
    If you want people to give meaningful answers, then pointless, stupid insults are not the way forward.🙄
    Count me out on this thread.
    I will ensure Daio has all the info he needs.
  9. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from Sailfish in Solent, 21st June: a day of doubles   
    Midweek I get a sneaky message from. @Saintly Fish sending me an XC forecast and asking if I could be available on Friday. With my work schedule looking relatively clear I move a couple of meetings and get the ok to skip off work for the day.
    A 4.45am wake-up wasn't the nicest but boy was it worth it. Out of the marina by just after 6am. Mint conditions as soon as we hit the water, and we were on our mark by 7.30am.

    The target was stingrays. By 7.37am Neil nails a thumping bite to boat a beautiful 10lb smoothound, taken on ragworm.

    20 minutes later he does the same with another lovely smoothie, this one nudging 12lb.

    Feeling the pressure a little at this point I'm glad to see my rod tip give a good rattle then bend nicely. After a lively scrap we see our target coming to the surface.

    My first ever stingray, about 4lb and very welcome. I also managed a couple of out-of-season congers too, on both my rods at the same time. Very surprised to see them in summer.
    The next 30 mins or so were quiet, with nothing bothering our baits. Neil rustled up a stingray of his own as the top of the tide neared.

    Slack water arrived and with the wind building a little we settle in for the start of the next tide. All of a sudden our rods go nuts! With bending rods and drags singing we each have decent fish on. After a bit of Laurel & Hardy shenanigans with the net we boat two lovely smoothies.

    Really chunky ones at 14lb and 12lb and a new PB for me.
    Another few fish follow, sending the rods over in typical smoothound smash & grab style.

    At this point we'd lost count of the number of hounds to the boat, but we're fairly certain we had 7 double-figure hounds by the time we ran out of bait and headed in, plus two stingrays, two congers and two PB's for me. We ended the day with a well-earned beer in glorious sunshine back at the marina.
    Big, big thanks to @Saintly Fish for hosting, skippering and putting us on the fish 💪👍.
  10. Thanks
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    My set up. 

    At the back is the base for outdoor use, but I don't have the burner, lid on the right and on the left the main body will smoking plate and grill above.

    Chips and sawdust, I use about a level tablespoon of 50/50 and dampen it before use.

    Bung the chips and dust in the centre and I found that the chips got stuck to the bottom of the plate so I raised it by putting rolled up foil either side. It just helps the clean up afterwards. 
    Stick the plate over the top with your food on, put the top on and place on the hob. I have it on the smallest burner but on full for about a minute to get heat into the box and start the wood smoldering, then lowest setting for however long the food needs to cook. 
    For outdoor use the burner would go inside and the sides would protect it from being blown out I suppose. 

    Hope it helps Mike, any relevant (you know who you are) questions please ask. 
  11. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    I shall consult the time Lords and see what they say about it.
  12. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    No problem, I'll put some pictures together and get back to you in 1/2 hr
  13. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Saintly Fish in Wow = what a day! 23rd June - Shambles Bank   
    That's fair Mike, like I said it's just my POV, I'm not implying you should do what I do. You're a grown man who makes his own decisions in life. 
  14. Haha
    Andy135 got a reaction from Malc in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    Do it. Serve him right when it lands on his doormat.
  15. Haha
    Andy135 got a reaction from GPSguru in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    Do it. Serve him right when it lands on his doormat.
  16. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from Malc in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    Yes please! That looks ace 👍
  17. Thanks
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Hot smoked mackerel paté   
    Easy to do with either bought smoked mackerel or if you want something special DIY.
    I have a Camerons smoker but you can make your own from 2x roasting tins and a cake cooling rack. 

    I fillet, skin and remove the small bones that run along the middle towards the lateral line as I smoke a lot for friends and some are fussy about bones. Salt the fish for 15-45 minutes then rinse and pat dry. Smoke them for 15 minutes on a low heat and then switch off and leave for 30-45 minutes, then put the fish on a plate and cool. I use cherry wood as I process my own firewood and use 50/50 chips and sawdust that is moistened so it smolders better. 
    Weight the fish and use the same amount of soft full fat cheese and blend in a processor or mash with a fork until you get the consistency you want, the one below is smooth for a friend. Stir in lemon juice to taste, pepper and capers if you like. Sprinkle with paprika and enjoy!

    Apologies to those who prefer to see mugshots in the photos but the mackerel were shy.
  18. Like
    Andy135 got a reaction from Malc in Rod bending fun 2 hours   
    Ah, fair enough. Forgot you were using multiple hooks/lures on your rig.
  19. Haha
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Rod bending fun 2 hours   
    They're coming, smoked mackerel pate with capers 😋
  20. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Malc in Rod bending fun 2 hours   
    Checked out a new launch site and went out into a haar but visibility was 300m and better at times. I hadn't used the yak for 9 months or so and it was nice to get out, I plotted in way points so I can get back safely as it is a rock fest if you aren't careful. 
    Eventually spotted arches after 3/4 hrs of drifting and searching and sent down a 20gm wedge with 3 sabikis on a 10-40gm rod and 4000 shimano. Bang and away we go!
    Lots of fish but concentrated in a small area around 50m² or so, mackerel were in ones and twos and coalfish in threes and fours. The coalies were 1lb+ and hauled me about the place which was fun. Took 8 mackerel for the table and put the coalies back, they outnumbered the mackerel 3-1
  21. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 23/6   
    Got out Sunday for a club comp. Best day weather wise for us this year, absolutely flat calm. Started off local looking for a bass but just small thornbacks and dogs. A move down just below Watchet produced even more dogs, thornbacks and some straps but we did find half a dozen hounds or so. Too many dogs here for my liking and the hounds were small so at slack we shot back up channel to a piece of coral. More of the same but a few more hounds and a bigger average size so was a good move. We spent the last hour failing to find a bass again but overall a great day out 

  22. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Dicky in Burnham On Sea 23/6   
    One mark was around 9 metres and the second one was under 3 meters at low water when we arrived. I hooked a decent hound there and it was screaming off across the surface just after setting the hook lol.
  23. Like
    Andy135 reacted to GPSguru in Wreck Fishing - 25th Jun   
    Mid springs, nice weather, flat sea forecast, what is not to like.
    It was a hard call, due to the usual slipway spring tide limitations it was to be either a morning wrecking session getting back at 13:30, or a full day on the skerries getting back at 16:00. The call was easier as fishing the skerries on a spring is hard work and often not productive, so it was out to the wrecks.
    Launched at 07:30 with kyle as crew and headed to a wreck at 18 miles. Wind over tude was an issue on the trip out with a short sea coming from all directions, but managed at steady 22knts being careful not to stuff the bow. 
    There was a commercial from Dartmouth fishing the wreck and we saw he was catching bass using one rod with hookais, and 2 handlines with multiple lures. The stamp of bass looked to be 3lb ish. We kept 4 fish that were 48 / 49 cm.
    we made a few drifts and had a good few bass on small lures, however, there was a large quantity of monster pout on the wreck and we had a few of those as well. We did try a wrecking rig with mack flapper over slack, but it only produced pout.
    Once slack came the sea quietened down, so it was a cracking morning to be out there.
    The trip in was quick on a flat sea, and we caught the tide ok by being back on the slip at 1 pm.

    Here is a pic of the trip off the plotter 😉

  24. Like
    Andy135 reacted to Dicky in Short trip selsey   
    Unlucky buddy but top effort as usual. We got out yesterday, i will report tomorrow, left at 6am home at 11am. 
  25. Agree
    Andy135 reacted to Saintly Fish in Solent, 21st June: a day of doubles   
    Although we did actually use all the worms and squid, the timings could not have been better as we had planned to return roughly about the time we did! 
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