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Everything posted by Peachey

  1. Thanks again for suggestions to date - but still not found the right boat. New ones seem to be circa £25-30k plus the dreaded, which at moment is a little out of my range. I am looking at £18k absolute max. Can anyone suggest places to look other than boats and outboards and FAFB? Cheers
  2. Andydavy - never knew that, thanks for advice. Any idea what year they changed over? Suzook12. Yeah - looked at those plenty. Seems they are a bit old though and I cannot find one for sale anywhere- rocking horse. That said, if one came up in good nick..
  3. somewhere around 16k or less would be good BUT - if something came up that I really liked - then Im sure I wouldnt be able to help myself. The boat would only be used for fishing 100% of the time (and we get out all the time weather permitting) which means I am not looking for luxuries. Have all electronics to fit from current boat.
  4. OK - so after a couple of months seriously looking into needs and comments/feedback, now narrowed down to the followingPirate 18 cuddySea Champion 18Smartliner 19Westport Pilot 6These all around 18/19ft mark with self draining decks. Plus they all seem lighter than some of their rivals.Have room for maybe up to 20ft length as long as not too heavy so other suggestions welcome.Meanwhile, if anyone knows of any of the above for sale or coming up for sale (second hand) then be grateful if you could let me know - or other suggestions for something slightly larger - although that is not essential as weight also a factor. Would want something in good condition with no work required.Did really like the look of the Pirate 21 but just too big for where we are.Cheers
  5. Yeah they do seem popular Odyssey - and must be for a reason I guess. The self draining decks is not for rainwater - it is stored on a slipway with bungs out. It would be for any water coming over the side. With the high gunnels though, would help a lot. Like I say, if any of them come up I would seriously consider buying - but not many of any of them seem to come up often. I will keep looking.
  6. Hi Andy135 Yeah, draft big concern which is why I mentioned the Commodore - I think they are same hull as the wilson flyer. Self draining decks would be a bonus - I am like you and a fair weather boater BUT just thought a bonus is all. Thanks again
  7. Hi Andy135. Still looking to be honest - although slowed down with all this funny business going on. Think Ive narrowed it down to the following Seahog Commodore - seem very roomy for the length of boat, fairly light, not much draft and now have decent freeboard with new mould. Good price too. Sea Champion 18 - self draining deck and again fairly roomy. I really do like the look of these and saw one at Southampton Boat Show some years ago. But they seem to be like hens teeth. Raider 18 Cuddy - popular so lots of feedback which all seems positive and had a member helpfully send me photographs which shows they are again fairly roomy for size of boat. Not self draining (I dont think), not many about. Warrior 175 - again, roomy and self draining deck and popular. BUT - these seem a tad heavy and also pretty expensive. I know the seahog has a different hull, I know not all of them are self draining, I know some say that the rides are harder than others etc etc - BUT from what Ive seen on here and other sites - no boat has everything and all of above have their own merits. Self draining not necessarily a clincher - just thought if would be helpful in case one came over the side off of St Catherines Point. On that basis, if one of the above comes up for sale along the south coast or close by, is in decent nick with a good outboard - and of course is the right price - I am pretty sure I would just go ahead and purchase. Thanks all for advice so far.
  8. OK - cheers all. Think Im down to either a 20ft Wilson flyer or a new 17ft Seahog Commodore - I am being told that the seahog commodore is real good for deckspace for a 17ft boat. With it being light too - may be ideal for what I am looking for. Thanks again
  9. Thanks all for replies. Never heard of an alaska 600 - will look em up. Andy135 Many thanks. We launch off a steep concrete slipway off of a small beach/cove. Its a great place for fishing back of the wight but at low water - there isnt much.... There are three of us sharing a 16ft open boat (ideal for 2 in summer and will launch all states of tide) and a 24ft cat - which needs a bit of water to launch. Launching the cat is no problem in summer as long days - but in winter with shorter days, we often miss the neap tides that have low water midday. So, the boat we need wouldnt have to be real comfy for three - as only fishing for a few hours on neap tides during winter with three people (when wind not blowing) and all tides rest of year with 2 people. Other winter times the cat will get out. Hope that makes some kind of sense and thanks for suggestions.
  10. Hi all - just joined and looking for a bit of advice. Posted this same question on another forum and had 2 very helpful replies but this site looks a lot more active and up to date. Looking for a new boat with certain requirements which make current boat redundant. Needs to fish 3 people reasonably comfortably but with maximum length of 19ft - 20 at a stretch. Smaller the better but as I say, 3 blokes fishing for maybe 4/5 hours in winter and 2 fishing all day in summer. be fairly stable - decent beam and freeboard - fishing off of back of the IOW. will be fishing all year round so handle a choppy sea if get caught out. needs to be as light as possible as launching from a beach slipway which it will be permanently moored on. Will use a capstan winch. because of tides/slipway, draft as shallow as possible (but not to point of making unsafe etc etc) speed - anything over 16 knots doesnt have to have a cabin as more concerned with deckspace. But some kind of shelter be good if pushed forward to keep deckspace. Been looking at many different boats and always liked look of elite, predator, warrior (175 export?) etc etc over the years BUT they do not seem large enough on deckspace for 3 large blokes to fish (correct me if im wrong as never actually been out on one). Thought some of you may have a suggestion about something I have missed.Thats a lot of wishes I know - just thought some of you would have some ideas/experience. Cheers
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