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Posts posted by KennyPowers

  1. 31 minutes ago, JonC said:

    Does the bloke who threw my landing net in the sea when he was having one of his spasms really want to talk about landing nets?🤣🤣

    I slipped on the deck there was so much oil on it from your engine start up🤣🤣

  2. 12 hours ago, JonC said:

    That was the original report. I think he still had the double grippers attached. I usually have to unhook Micks fish for him as he goes into a bit of a spasm when he catches one. 

    When he says unhook fish he means knock them off with the net, unbelievable I can solo net a 7 pound fish but Jon cannot net a 3lber🤣🤣 my digital scales on the boat are temperamental that’s why I weighed it again on land with different scales, need some good ones🎣

  3. 13 hours ago, KennyPowers said:

    I am grateful you know nothing about boats because it led to me ending up with my Arvor which I’ve put about 400 hours on😘 

    Only joshing🤣🤣 shortly after my boat sale fail with Just Fishing Boats he changed the wording of the warranty’s to the information I am given regarding the boat history is what I give to you, so basically you tell him you just had a boat serviced when you didn’t he sells it as just been serviced even though you could have a damaged impeller etc, anyway all said and done I got the Bass Killer now so all good.

  4. 2 hours ago, Malc said:

    4.5" gun on the fo'c'sle, you can take them out as they leave their berth. 

    I actually like that idea, any ideas where I can purchase a 4.5” gun locally in Essex.

  5. What’s the ruling on when fishing decent bass grounds and a boat roars up on you causing massive waves (spilt my vegan cappuccino) anchors 30ft away and steals all my fish (my fish because it’s my sea because I was here first) I’m sick of it happening all the time always the same person and the same boat and if it’s not the same boat it’s the same person on my boat.


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