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    Tadpole reacted to suzook12 in Show us yer dog!   
    Probably wrong temp then mate, I put mine in the fridge at least a week before I drink em!
  2. Agree
    Tadpole got a reaction from FreeDinky in Cooking Bass   
    The old ball and chain likes hers either filleted and skined, with salt and pepper,  garlic, butter and dark soy. Foil wrapped lightly and in an oven at 160 / 170 for 20 - 25 minutes depending on size of fillets. 
    The other method is head and tailed foil wrap with salt and pepper, garlic, ginger drizzled with olive oil.. depending on the size of fish rough guide being 160 for 40 minutes.
  3. Like
    Tadpole got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Cooking Bass   
    The old ball and chain likes hers either filleted and skined, with salt and pepper,  garlic, butter and dark soy. Foil wrapped lightly and in an oven at 160 / 170 for 20 - 25 minutes depending on size of fillets. 
    The other method is head and tailed foil wrap with salt and pepper, garlic, ginger drizzled with olive oil.. depending on the size of fish rough guide being 160 for 40 minutes.
  4. Like
    Tadpole reacted to Andy135 in Intro/catch report   
    Well Bones, you can see that no one pulls their punches on here! But all joking and banter aside, we're all good mates really...
    .... aren't we...??😳
  5. Haha
    Tadpole got a reaction from Andy135 in Intro/catch report   
    Bones this is Jon, perhaps an heads up would've been in order.. suppose one could say every village has its idiot and our little gathering is not exempt, Jon certainly takes the gold, silver and bronze standard in idiots and is 'our' idiot with an unhealthy does of deliverance to boot.. when he delivers his catch reports which isn't that often, it tends to be pin Whiting and Dogs.. we know this isn't noteworthy but just congratulate him anyway, less agro in the long run. 🤪
    Andy and Stains keep him around as it does wonders for the diversity and inclusion certification they hope to attain, special Olympics here we come!!
    Oh, ask Stains how he got on when we got together for a lockdown session!! 🤣
  6. Haha
    Tadpole reacted to Saintly Fish in Intro/catch report   
    I don’t have any, can’t you read ? I’m a novice who you should be nurturing not tormenting. 
  7. Like
    Tadpole got a reaction from Bones in Intro/catch report   
    Said it before mate, for the first full season at this you've come an awfully long way in such a short period of time! Water craft on show today was spot on and will only get better with experience and those efforts were well rewarded today.
    I was recently told of a chap that had started this luring lark and bought up anything and everything with a reasonable write up, one could say he tried to buy success.. even after paying guides his catch total for his first year was low single digit.. how many Bass are you on for the year do you reckon?
  8. Like
    Tadpole reacted to Bones in Intro/catch report   
    Good evening gentlemen. 
    Hope all your fishing is going well 👍
    So, a little bit about me seeing as I've skipped the intro...
    Still very new to lure fishing for bass. Fished most of my life but never any serious salt water efforts until a year ago. I love the sense of freedom sea fishing brings and the watercraft involved with an enormous body of water such as the sea. 
    Report from today...
    Booked a couple of days off so I could take full advantage of the time of year and today was the first good crack at it. 
    I had a couple of hours of shit tide to use up this morning so popped to Southsea to chuck a seeker about for a laugh. Found a couple of manky gars and then headed over to a new mark that me @Tadpole have been having a pop at. Started covering ground over features with my patch 125 and a kahki gravity stick with the paddle tail. The first fish of around the high 40s came on the stick with just a slow straight retrieve and nothing added to it but the rattle. The second fish exactly the same only this one was WAY better! A nice big heavy lump that kited around me about 8ft away just to show me everything before the hook popped and came flying past my head....FUCK!!! I dont need to describe the devastation do I.
    Long story short, all was redeemed with 8 fish throughout the day and every one on the gravity stick. All high 40s apart from a couple that were better including a 60cm PB.
    @Tadpoleturned up last minuite and done his usual thing of catching the biggen and then casting his patch a million miles into the distance over and over again for fun 😉
    All in all in all, probably the best days fishing I've ever had 👍
    Cheers for reading 

  9. Like
    Tadpole reacted to headlight in The must have's and must not Thread   
    Major Craft, SkyRoad, 962-ML and patch"s.
  10. Like
    Tadpole got a reaction from Davemc in The must have's and must not Thread   
    Looking good @Davemc, looks like a solid fish that one!!
    Thought I'd mention the sticks as you said you free a blank with them, admittedly those caught weren't big fish but he certainly caught enough of them on the paddle tail yet no matter how I worked the pin tail I could only entice 3 hits but only small stuff.
    I've just started to explore ground that I previously told you about and the fish have been most obliging, nothing grandiose but one or two knocking a fair size.. and certainly not on par with the fish up the other end but im sure with enough hours put in a lump or two will grace us. Big tides this weekend, will be out a few times to see whats kicking about.
    Heard of a good fish recently at Tip, 70cm OTT on a P100 in some pretty shitty conditions.. Give us a shout when you're next kicking about.
  11. Like
    Tadpole reacted to Davemc in The must have's and must not Thread   
    Strange you say that about the gravity sticks , I deliberately worked them over a 200 meter reef casting a couple of times every three feet for two hours of prime tide  ...they looked good in the water but not a sniff so I popped a homemade Slugo on and two fish in a few casts ...maybe a coincidence, I just think the bass wanted the slimmer profile on that occasion .
    Regarding the Van staal it does everything well , lighter than my Stella and biomaster  and more rugged than my rarenium and stradics ...not as smooth but I like that I can drown it when wading without any concerns, I killed a Shimano rarenium in a week over in Kerry.
    Rods are a personal thing & I just like the feel of the N70 although I did balance my Shoregame which improved that no end .
    Catch up soon buddy ...still trying to crack the night shift on your local mark but as the photo shows I'm getting there ....

  12. Haha
    Tadpole reacted to suzook12 in The must have's and must not Thread   
    Starting to think bass fishing has it's own language!!
    Seeing as the quantity I have caught I can count on one hand, it probably is......
  13. Like
    Tadpole got a reaction from Davemc in The must have's and must not Thread   
    Note to self, don't leave uncompleted messages to finish later in the day.. for they disappear. 
    Hi Dave, tis Steve, formally known in these here parts as chasinBass.. as the Bass now chase me I thought it appropriate to change the forum handle.
    N70 has sidelined rods... is the little Eginn one of them!? 🤗
    HTO demonstrate time and again an inability to listen to the requirements that Bass lure anglers want in a Bass lure rod. Twice over across the shoregame and N70 they've stuck a reel seat on that nobody (bar you) likes or wants on an expensive upper end premium stick. Also worth noting neither blanks are of HTO design or produced, they bought the blanks and strapped the gear to them making them a third party rod builder at best.
    I'm surprised that your best investment has been the Van Staal.. things are built like tanks and one would hope they'd last, my opinion they'd come into they're own on a surf beach being pounded by sea and sand but anywhere else in the UK for what species we have on offer its too much. Does yours not suffer with wind knots?
    Hear what your saying about other lures but do they cover the same amount of ground?? Does an Espetit cast as far as a P100? Does a Spittin wire out cast a P125?
    Frankly the only thing that lets the Xorus lures down for me and true can be said for at least the Patchinko and Asturie is that over time hairline cracks appear and water will ingress. Booooo. 
    My buddy has purchased Henry's Gravity Stick pack and last night he did well on the paddle tail, I finally unclicked a surface lure and tried the pintail and had a couple of bumps but no hook up for me.. but they work! 
  14. Like
    Tadpole reacted to suzook12 in Good morning Outlaws!   
    Not uncommon mate, I can't take photo's straight from camera to forum either. But these days I usually edit photos anyway so doing a forum friendly version at the same time is no biggy.... Photbucket used to be the perfect solution, I've used a couple of other such sites and don't seem to get on with those as easily
  15. Thanks
    Tadpole reacted to Saintly Fish in The must have's and must not Thread   
    I love a good spinning spoon, two inches of hook length, a size 2 hook tipped with proscetto ham ! 
  16. Like
    Tadpole got a reaction from Davemc in Good morning Outlaws!   
    Absolute rubbish Stains, bet your still all smiles this morning.
    Tis a beautiful day indeed.. feel a short session maybe the order of the day.
    I'm impressed with the site, definitely more user friendly than the previous platform, only draw back is that I've never had to tinker with files to get them to fit but thats the only niggle thus far. Credit where its due, good job Andy.
  17. Like
    Tadpole reacted to suzook12 in Evenin.......   
    Guess I better introduce myself.......
    I'm the one covered in oil usually. More often found tinkering with motorcycles than anything else, and changing them about just because I can....
    Been known to play with outboards and inboards too.... Definately a fishing first, boating second kind of guy
  18. Like
    Tadpole reacted to Andy135 in Faster, Daddy! Faster!   
    Daughter and I went out early today to scratch some species at Bullocks Patch. She had a great time. "Faster Daddy, go faster!"

    Fish weren't playing ball. Just a solitary "bull huss" again for our efforts at the Patch, so we dashed west to Sandown Bay for a drift or two. I got some cracking sonar pics of the Camswan which I'll post up later.

    To top it off we put the hammer right down on the way back after she kept on asking to go faster... 31 knots over Culver Spit! Woohoo! 🥳🥳 I ran out of balls before the rpms did! 👍
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