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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. I feel a "Find Jon Cook a new boat name" thread coming - that might run to 12 pages....... 🙂
  2. the jokes older than that though! 🤣
  3. Just kidding - haven't been out for months.
  4. I've just picked up a 2nd hand (but brand new) Shakespeare Salt XT LRF rod 2-12g I thought since i only catch tiny fish form the shore/pier i might as well have some fun! Can anyone share any tips, rigs, lures, etc? TIA
  5. cheers Suzook - similar but need to be shorter due to where they attach but I have found them
  6. i have to go to Toolstation for CT1...... im goignt o try our OB1 though - im told its the same stuff..... as for the hooks - looks like a chandlery job!
  7. in the recent wind i lost a few hooks that hold the cover on (pulled out or snapped) - they are downward facing, low profile, and hold the 8/10mm bungee that runs through eyelets on my canvas cover..... im guessing screwfix do them but i dont know what they're called? Picture hooks will be useless, cup hooks too big and they need to be rustproof obvs any ideas?
  8. my kayak reel has gone a bit like that - (although no where near as bad) - mainly from my bad casting so im taking it out on the boat next time to drop the braid off the back - with the little kayak rod and have some fun with the whiting! if i ever get out on aboat again - this weather! I wonder if getting the braid wet before you load it helps?
  9. maybe its an IOW thing - we play by our rules...... were not used to following the rules of mainlanders....
  10. you arent alone - I got royally told off for wrongly posting a cephalopod on a fishing forum....... ......I daren't care to admit it was caught from a pier......
  11. Looks awesome! what is it coated with? I do like oven baked over fried - especially something special - fried for pollock or whiting, baked for turbot and bass etc, not lucky enough to cook my own Cod!
  12. can be done - but i'd imagine it'd get hammered by whiting before a cod got near it!
  13. good call........ ive never heard of it - not sure how you would ensure the squid stays alive, but its a good call!
  14. this is true - although this one came off the Adamant Shoal and was totally unexpected, my mate had one off the kidney banks too - I did get 2 baby Tubs off the shambles too!
  15. well - there's a few things stand out for me in only my 2nd season of boat fishing 31 trips out (across mine and my mates boat) 28 species 8 Firsts 13 PBs highlights: First and PB Turbot PB Bass PB Conger First Cuckoo First very rare Red band fish plus a surprise Sand Smelt & Gold Sinny Wrasse also Came 18th in the Small boat species hunt with 22 species (it was a limited list) and won a prize (hookpoint subscription) Mostly the satisfaction of seeing other catch when i'm in charge - I had been trying to get my mate out for a session for ages - every time he came to stay it would be blown out - but we got one session on a glorious summers day where he had many firsts and PBs and he totally out fished me - a great sense of achievement. from the shore I had my first Red Mullet, Black bream, Cuttle fish and more!
  16. awesome day out by the looks of it! and a couple of Cod too! nice one!
  17. there are generally 2 runs - autumn and spring - although we were catching them all winter last year! - provided the conditions are right!
  18. cracking use of a short window - the last few weeks have been awful (and next few weeks)
  19. Not been catching much in recent weeks - or months - i've only had squid and dogfish since September! So i dug some pollock fillets out of the freezer. I caught this bad boy back in Jan LY and so thought id better use it up - I have a Vac sealer so it was in great condition despite being in the freezer for 11 months! GPSGuru and some others had mentioned Panko crumb so thought id give it a go with that - never used panko before - but seemed straight forward enough. fillets dredged (technical term) in flour, Egg and then Panko - with added garlic salt and chilli flakes. Pan fried in hot shallow oil for 3 mins per side - chips and peas on the side, washed down with a lovely ice cold Marlborough Sav Blanc - called Squealing Pig. just look at that............ Delicious!
  20. love these! would love one - especially with the IOW heritage link!
  21. nice one - love a cold clear night! especially with a big moon casting shadows!
  22. that last pic is awesome! Nice one!
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