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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. With a small window in the weather we just had to get out - plan was early start for the squid - then anchor up on the adamant bank for whiting and rays. i naturally woke just a few minutes ahead of my 5.30 alarm - and was down the marina for 6am. heading out on Tims boat Seadog we pushed out at first light and were squidding before sunrise. It was slow - well for me it was - i had one rod for squid and one feathering for mackerel - I had noting - luckily Tim had 3 squid and Jason had 3 as well which was his first ever. we were joined by a succession of local boats - 3 of which i knew they seemed to find it slow too..... after an hour or so drifting for squid we pushed on to the adamant bank - about 8 miles out, anchored up on our own. i wont lie - fishing was awful - Tim and I were fishing 2 rods - one big bait, one flappers with squid for the small stuff - we fished the flood up to slack even when we turned the fishing didn't really improve. we were using mackerel, squid or Gar for baits. I had a total tally of 3 dogs for the 8 hours of fishing. devastated. especially after 8 weeks of being blown out. but was nice to be out all the same! heres a pic of the sky as instead I did have tims dog to keep me entertained Tim did much better - but still poor by adamant standards. he had a couple of dogs, a black bream, but he also had 2 joey mackerel - one went back down as a live bait and did nothing - he flappered it off at the end of the day and sent it back down - and that landed him the only notable fish of the day - and it was a stonker of a tope - it put up a great fight! no whiting - maybe not cold enough yet. The adamant seems to be all or nothing - in the past we've had tope, smoothie, spurs, Blondes, spotted, small eyed, undulates, whiting, turbot..... just wasn't to be. The others we know went to lulworth and the shambles and 'Get Reel' had more luck on lulworth bank - bagging up on bream with Huss and conger too. Yet to hear how the shambles was for the other 2 - but i expect they did ok. until next time - whenever that might be!
  2. looks like an awesome trip - was a lovely day here too! you had the squid for tea i assume?
  3. looks like a good trip - great to get out and land some fish!
  4. yeah to be fair she rolls a lot - might be displacement but she's not very beamy
  5. speak for yourselves....... 😉 slow and often for me!
  6. @Andy135 - now you need to send them a "charge notice" or Invoice for your time, admin, and a proportion of you wifi bill.
  7. thank goodness - for one second then i thought you were going to suggest joining the camouflaged carp crew .......
  8. awesome fishing! sounds like fun! and great conditions!
  9. I do beg your pardon - but i thought this was a..... "recreational boat fishing & boat owning forums" these were caught on a boat..... and this is a catch report folder. i bet if they were served with a pot noodle you'd be happy....... 🤣
  10. Been ages since we last went out on the boat and although the conditions would be hit or miss (15mph straight into the bay) we decided to have a short session squidding. plan was to meet at lunchtime and do a couple of hours on Tims boat - i got down the marina a couple of hours early to do some maintenance on pugwash - sealant mainly as she's rather damp inside. i found there was rain water coming in around the samson post up front - i have a wooden post runs from the bottom of the bow up through the foredeck and that's what i attach the anchor and fwd painter to. The sealant around it was a bit brittle and crumbly so for now i have patched it up with silicone = but what should i use to do it properly? needs to be flexible and weather proof. Come midday we motored out of the marina and having not used sea dog for about 6 weeks his steering was very heavy - and took a while to free up - could this be just weed/growth on the rudder (its out of sight), or a bigger problem with the steering cables? or Boss? any thoughts? on to the fishing - we motored out into a heavy sea, and headed for portlands north entrance - set up a drift from outside in - we all dropped 3 squid jigs down, Tim had 2 rods, his mrs one and me one, he proceeded to bang in a couple of squid each drift - over a couple of hours I managed to land one, lost one, and pulled in a lone tenticle, his mrs cought none, but was convinced she lost one -but .... he bagged 10. same gear same technique just how it goes sometimes! some decent sized ones too i had the small one for tea - the rest went into my bait freezer. hoping for a let up in the weather soon!
  11. hmm didnt fancy it - although i do eat squid - how do you prepare and cook cuttle?
  12. i'm not old enough to worry yet - but some on here might like meals with less chewing........ but i agree - Ideally id of added a bit of crunch.
  13. I had my Bass the other night - the ladies had bangers and mash so me and Phil had Baked Bass and Mash! Wrapped in foil, with butter, S&P, Garlic and herbs - sprinkle of chili flakes. wouldn't normally do it with mash - but it was ok!
  14. we were hoping to get out tomorrow as the forecast was fair at the beginning of the week - but 15mph SE is straight into the bay and borderline - so will see how it looks later. Sunday looks better but i'm off to see the other half play in the first round of the Womens FA CUP - Weymouth ladies have performed very well in the early rounds beating opposition in leagues above them - now they face Keynsham at home (Bob Lucas stadium) on saturday - and make history for the club - i'm so proud i'm giving up a days fishing to go along. i know sport isn't everyone's cup of tea, but its a very special moment for her!
  15. yeah i meant on the boat - i've been out from the shore! its been onshore +30mph at weekends though! today would have been nice - but alas im working 😞
  16. winter is good round here too - we had an amazing January this year! October seems to be a blow out - both this year and last we didn't get out once in October - last year Nov was a complete no go too!
  17. no this news is a travesty - i rely on people not eating the bountys so i have something left to go back to not only do i like bountys, but i actually i prefer the dark chocolate ones..... maybe they are replacing them with dark chocolate variety? 🤙
  18. well today i learned what Panko is - thanks Ian - going to get some and ty it soon!!!
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