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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. also its a "parking charge notice" - which i think is just an 'invitation to pay' rather than a fine. I don't think they can chase you down for it.
  2. looked like a mild night but a westerly wind blowing so i opted for a quiet sheltered spot i know that usually throws up a mixed bag after dark - i thought it might even turn up a few Squid, so armed with 2x beachcasters and my spinning rod i headed down at sunset. A couple of swimmers still doing their thing so i cast a dexter out (avoiding them) - while waiting for them to finish at dusk the first rod went out - pulley pennel with a biggish bait - old re-frozen mackerel and lug combo bound on. 2nd rod 2 hook flapper with pop ups and squid strip not much happened until after dark - i switched to squid jigs on the spinning rod to keep me entertained - but not long till the flapper had bite - small pout. I changed the big rig to a hole king prawn and managed a small silver eel - greedy thing, same thickness as the king prawn - made a right mess of the rig. my first though and therefore a PB i had a few more pout on the squid - but not much else. one other guy caught a squid - so know they can be caught there
  3. well that's what I was hoping for - been plenty so far this autumn, and usually better after a stir up. think it'll be too blown out tonight so might seek shelter and Whiting instead tonight!
  4. I was at a loose end, had some leftover rag that was gifted to me while squidding on sunday, so went out last monday night to chesil - after a few days of strong winds - hoping the stir up will produce something nice - arrived at 6pm to find a bit more swell than i hoped for and a fresh breeze in the face - first cast got washed back in - so i upped the weights and decided if it held i stay, if it didnt i go somewhere else. luckily a 6oz gripper held and the wind soon died off as forecast - the swell/surf made bite detection difficult - rod tips bouncing around - especially as we got into darkness with the mind playing tricks - often the gripper would loosen and look like a slack line bite. I was fishing 2 rods - one pulley dropper with Rag and squid cocktail and one 2 hook flapper with pop ups and small hooks baited with either rag or squid strip I was treated to a spectacular sunset, around 5 shooting stars, tons of satellites and a warm clear night - amazing how clear the stars are on that beach away from the lights. shortly after dark my small rod bounced around and whatever it was i missed it - no fear, shortly after it happened again and i fought a mighty dogfish to the shore through the surf. Caught on Squid strip on a small hook. Happy not to blank I stayed until 10pm before packing up.
  5. You written your xmas list yet?
  6. i got let down by the weather this weekend - but the other way round - forecast was to blow 15mph straight into the bay from lunchtime - but it didn't materialise until 4pm - i was on the pier catching nothing looking at a lovely flat sea.......
  7. i don't need to talk it up - i let my catches do the talking...... 🤣
  8. i often come back form chesil with more tackle than i went with = feathers, rigs, leads, etc
  9. Weymouth pleasure pier - just before dark, on a cheap 99p ebay squid jig just under my feet between the pylons - no squid - just the one cuttle a welcome surprise. now in the bait freezer for winter bait!
  10. oh the moonrise pics look like EC-Osbourne bay
  11. 99p Jigs work just as good as the Yamashita ones - colours vary - seems each will work on their day. I have a selection of expensive ones and cheap amazon ones - i use the cheap ones on the boat and the decent ones from the pier - only as i'm competing with lots of other people in close proximity! I catch squid from the boat in the harbour entrance in 40' of water over mud/sand - 3 weighted jigs on a flapper - no need to move them - let the boat do the work - lead bouncing just off the bottom. would do this of the pier but i worry about snags and tangles. from the pier i use one weighted jig vertically - lightly flicked up and down between the pylons - various depths. others float for them, or cast and retrieve. Dawn or dusk seems better - but 2 weeks ago we caught them in full sunshine. needs to be settled - calm with good water visibility - here we need light winds and no rain for a good few days (rain runs out of the harbour and dirtys the water, wind stirs it up too much.) most jigs have glow in the dark bits, and I add some additional glow in the dark soft beads above them - i charge them up with a UV torch every 10 mins or so people do add lights or light up the water from the pier. you can also add a strip of bait to them - although ive never tried that! this one fell to a DTD 'wounded fish' And this one loved the yamashita my mate had 2 huge ones on cheap jigs last winter Weymouth gets silly crazy for them - hoards pf people camping out on the pier lights everywhere! keep us posted - would love to hear how you get on - i absolutely love fishing for these amazing creatures!
  12. had a couple of squid off the boat a couple of weekends ago so figured they might be round the pier by now conditions have been favourable but far from perfect - they need clear water and calm conditions - but as the wind was off the land id thought id have a go. got to the pier still in daylight to find a pretty empty pier - started with the DTD wounded fish jig that ive had success with but nothing doing. switched to an interesting casting squid lure few casts nothing just as it was getting to dusk i switched to my new (and expensive) Yamashita jig - they're supposedly the best but i've caught on 99p ebay specials too...... vertical jigging below my feet and i soon get a pull, sure enough squid on- only a baby, but target nonetheless. no more showed in the next hour so heres a few pics of the same squid to keep everyone (Jon) happy.... wind is up to 30mph tonight so that's put paid to any more of that for a while! next time i will try those concept ones Ian @GPSguru!
  13. Had a handfull of rag worms left over from the weekend and if I left them in the fridge any longer the Mrs would go spare so had to use them up. thought i'd pop to the Stone Pier to have a bit of fun with the small stuff on light spinning gear - was hoping for something like a sea scorpion or blenny etc but the Wrasse were very obliging - bites from the off. I had a 3 hook flapper on one rod and a was float fishing a worm on the other - managed 2 small pollock on the float and about 6 small wrasse on the flapper. A lovely calm warm evening. the guy next to me narrowly avoided calamity as a cormorant chased his wrasse tot he surface - literally grabbed at it as he pulled it out of the water - must have been inches from getting it.
  14. looks like a cracking day out - plenty of fish and and a nice mixed bag! and just look at the smile on your face proudly holding a doggie!
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