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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. different points per species (released on the day) - max 10 of each fish - catch and release - size not important unless specimen size
  2. Hello, For the 2022/23 Fantasy Premier League why don't you join my mini-league "Offshore Outlaws League"? Joining the league couldn't be easier. Simply use the link below and you'll be added automatically after you've entered the game. https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/jcofn7 League Code: jcofn7 Looking forward to playing against you this season!
  3. hmm thats what its given me - for new people to join - if you are already in it from last season you should auto join - have a look in your leagues and you might see it there already!
  4. Got the next weymouth angling club boat comp coming up and you are allowed to fish max 3 hooks on one rod, given the variety of fish at the mark I was at on Friday id like to fashion a 2 up 1 down kind of rig - small hooks and squid baits for bream/gurnard with a long flowing trace on the bottom for big stuff (rays, hounds, etc) is it as simple as a 2 hook flapper down to a 3 way swivel with lead clip on bottom and the long trace coming off the 3 way?
  5. Fantasy premier League renewed - Code jcofn7 fn7
  6. how on earth is he picking that up without gloves - maniac! ok big pan of water, rolling boil? for how long? anything added to the water? and do you just crack open the legs?
  7. we did discuss that they are edible, and i do have the size chart on board, but we were BBQing the bream that evening so had dinner sorted lol! how do you cook it ian?
  8. cracking report and a great day out by the looks of it!
  9. I took Friday off work so i could go out on pugwash for a full days fishing with my mate shane. leaving under the 8am bridge lift we first hit the mackerel at portlands north entrance, bagging a few mackerel and scad we moved up to the chequers entrance for a few more - once we had 10 or so we had enough bait for the day. I also had some frozen squid and sandeel. we motored off from the entrance before the cruise ship celebrity silhouette came in - and headed to the spoils - anchoring on the top of the tide - hoping to fish the entire Ebb tide down to low. Target was Rays - as i wanted shane to land a double figure fish - but this spot throws up all sorts and today was no exception . starting with big baits we were soon into dogs, but with tapping rattles i put down a bream rig with squid strip - i was soon into a nice black bream - destined for the BBQ. being the kind soul i am i handed shane the bream rod and said go get yourself one - and soon enough he obliged - 2 for the BBQ the bream are passing back through round the bill from their breeding ground Lulworth ledges - so are appearing all over the bay! he kept hold of the 2nd rod and soon enough he was into a run of fish all day - while I only had Dogs! He had a couple of decent red Gurnards - his first ever and obviously PB he had his PB smoothound he had his PB conger and he too had plenty of dogs! I managed to lose a red gurnard at the boat (annoying as i need one for the species hunt) but did land a very angry spider crab! he totally out-fished me all day - but that's totally fine - i shared his enjoyment just as much = a red letter day for him and a long time coming! but no rays....... odd. He went home with full bragging rights and rightly so - he also had his red band fish that week, and had some mackerel and what he thought was a herring on his kayak while i was working - so was absolutely buzzing!
  10. My mate shane was staying with his family, so when i got home from work, we decided to take the kids out for a run about - we decided seeing the "pirates graves" at church ope would be good and we could wander down the cliff to the cove. Being fishermen we did the only thing acceptable and took our spinning rods "on the off chance" we could chuck a lure about while they played on the beach - absolutely no expectations of any fish - its a very snaggy weedy cove, but into deep water - so who knows - id never fished it. we both tried a soft plastic but the wind was on shore - so i switched to a dexter to get more distance, not long in i had snagged some weed and pretended to shane that it was a fish - low and behold it wasn't weed - it really was a fish! i landed a jumbo mackerel much to the surprise of everyone - this was followed by a 2nd and so i handed the rod to shane - so he could try the nomura kanji and the dexter - he too landed a decent sized mackerel - perfect for tea - while his mrs and kids tried with his rod. I also caught a pollock which surprised me too! great fun on light gear, putting up a good scrap - and totally unexpected! perfect! i was laughing all evening - great fun!
  11. Had a mate arrive at 4pm and by 5pm we were on the boat for a simple mackerel session. Shane doesn't have much luck and when he comes to stay its usually blown out and we don't catch much off the beach usually - so this trip looks mostly calm - we had high hopes. We left the marina and were soon into the mackerel and scad in portlands entrance - plenty coming aboard but didn't need too many - just enough for dinner - we also had a few small pollock. We even hit a shoal of tiny joeys and both pulled up a full string of around 10cm Joeys - all went back - great to see good numbers! we tried the wrasse on the rocks but they didn't want to play shane just had a small pout and as the wind was pushing us on, not off, we moved on. Given that i've had no luck on the Red band fish, i thought id put him on the mark and see how his luck fares - handing him the fish skin sabikis= no surprise he caught one relatively quickly and i am still to catch one - he was absolutely buzzing - i was into more mackerel and scad! seems his luck has changed - and there was more to come on Friday where I had taken the day off to go out all day onthe boat! we saw the dolphin and a cracking sunset too! happy days!
  12. think it auto rolls over and you simply put your team together - i'll sort it this week!
  13. anyway - did you like the pictures of my fish?
  14. was probably toolstation customers thinking they're in a toolstation - since they copied us and all that........
  15. hmmmm ok, well the queue at Toolstation is simply because they have to buy it from us, then they slap on their profit and sell it to you......
  16. should of used the App Jon.... no need to queue!
  17. they're a small tinsel feather- made by tronixpro
  18. With the wind forecast to pick up to near 20mph westerly from lunchtime we chose to try a new mark close in to portland - Balaclava bay, under the shadow of the Verne and hopefully tucked out of the wind. As we left the marina at 7am we were greeted with mill pond conditions - beautiful flat seas a light breeze and glorious sunshine! we went for mackerel in the 1st portland harbour entrance, on some of @GPSgurus recommended Snowbikis and they did the trick alright - plenty of mackerel, scad and pollack - Tim got a keeper pollock of about 3-4lb (which he promptly gave to me for tea). We moved up to the 2nd entrance (checkers) and got more mackerel - plenty enough for what might be a short day. by the time we anchored the wind had picked up - and had a lot more south in it - meaning we had a challenge with wind v tide - not choppy - but the boat wouldn't sit right and was almost right angles to the anchor warp. we both fished one big bait and also had some lighter gear on 2 hook flappers - Tim had a decent smoothie on the light gear - and we both had plenty of pout - the big baits were getting stripped (by the pout) and we found fishing 4 rods from a swinging boat meant tangles and snaggs so we dropped down to just the one rod and continued with nothing but pout. we soon lifted anchor and chose to go drift close in over sand and then over rough ground with ragworm baits nothing on the sand but the rough ground produced a steady stream of small whiting, corkwing and ballan wrasse. the wind did pick up but the sea state didn't too much - although all the commercials and charters seemed to be doing a half day - we called it at 3pm a good days mixed fishing Mackerel, Scad, pollock, smoothie, whiting , corkwing, Ballan, and a fresh pan fried pollock and avo wrap when i got in!!
  19. i'm really sorry the copy-cat that is toolstation didn't have your items in stock - you should of tried Screwfix...... plenty in stock there, in store, and available next day - and if you live in a region covered by "screwfix sprint" - we can deliver to you/your site quicker than you can get a pizza there.
  20. You lot are a bunch of blankers so i thought id share my recent (unusual) blank afloat! (spoiler alert) was a lovely evening with light Westerleys - perfect for drifting east across weymouth bay straight out of the harbour - no time wasted - as i only had a couple of hours. i rushed home from work, grabbed the free rag from Tuesdays pier session and some frozen squid, and "rushed" under the bridge and out - greeted to someone pulling a lovely looking bream or bass off the pier i was full of hope! aim was to drag a blinged up ragworm off a boom across the sandy bottom for a plaice or other likely candidate, while simultaneously towing a float suspending a squid strip for a gar fish or other likely candidate, PLUS with a set of feathers over the side aiming for a scad or other likely candidate..... (species hunt) - with 8 hooks over the side i couldn't fail right? needless to say ronald provided the only fish that night - if you can even call it that!
  21. JD is loopy juice for me doesnt stop me drinking it though! 🤪
  22. was trying for something like a sea scorpion, blenny, dragonette - but couldnt get my baits past the Bream wrasse and pout!
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