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mike farrants

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Everything posted by mike farrants

  1. B&Q £1 orange bucket....... everyone knows to be wary of the orange bucket....... (and never put keeper fish in it.....)
  2. i am going to try for squid this year! - can cuttle be caught on the same jigs?
  3. so i'm ordering up on some frozen bait as i'm getting low on squid - i'm using Onlinebaitsuk - very good delivery last time. I have, mackerel, prawns, sandeels already, so im ordering: squid Razorfish Launce Peeler crab anything else i should consider while im here? cart? muscles? scallop frills?? all that fancy stuff? or stick to what i know? thinking winter fishing from boat and shore? worms I'll get live locally. TIA
  4. ahh the beauty of a 2 pot 20hp diesel and displacement hull....... nothing comes over the bow if it ever does i will need the RNLI not wipers! 🤣
  5. i keep the heads and frame - good bait for congers - also had a few large rays on heads!
  6. nice - 80 mackerel - thats winter sorted then! you going to eat any or they all for bait?
  7. thanks yeah - just need to be comfortable at anchor alone, think i need to practice - maybe do it solo next time i am out with someone - to see how easy it is to do alone!
  8. good luck - hope you are both ok!
  9. good luck - let us know how you get on!
  10. Seeing as the weather was so good, and I had the afternoon to myself I thought I'd pop out mackereling again (I had planned on mooring up in Portland harbour and going for the bream - but as I didn't have all day I chose to hunt the elusive mackies again!) I set off around lunchtime solo to the usual mark - its only a short distance from Weymouth - and on the first drift I had a string of 5 macks - good start - the fladen Jazzy feathers doing the business again! I also decided to take the rovex 4ft kayak rod and Abu baitcaster reel for a bit of fun and to christen them as id had no luck on the kayak - this proved to be great fun - watching the rod double over and pulling up mackerel for the depths was awesome and really put a smile on my face! I had this rod static over the side with daylights on. totalled 21 mackerel (lost 2 at the boat) and 3 tub gurnards! topped up the bait freezer and shared some with the neighbours ad work colleagues. Hooked into this monster mack on the kayak rod, with it darting all over the place - awesome fun! HUGE! (ok the rod and reel are also tiny) cracking afternoon afloat! a mate wentout to the spoils and he had rays, bream, huss, tope and smoothies!
  11. over spent? or too many of the same type of player?
  12. nice one - good write up and pics the red arrows were opening the Isle of Wight festival and took a very low approach over mums house - she loved it! (ps....... some of those mackerel look familiar......)
  13. yeah well done for persevering - and a good haul in my opinion!
  14. like a bridle? maybe i hook up a bridle to the front 2 cleats (red), run it back to the wheelhouse (with some slack) and carribina on another length (Blue) to the mooring, let them both out until sitting right then pull that other length (Blue) back in when i want to untie?
  15. sunday is looking too good to miss, but my crew isnt available, so its solo again - i dont want to anchor alone, as hauling 150m of wet rope, anchor and bouy back to me in strong tide is not something i relish (or could manage), so i intend to borrow a mooring for the day in portland harbour and fish from that - its a well known area for bream, mackerel & bass there - plus a few surprises - benefit of a mooring bouy is i hope i can pick up and let off easily from the wheelhouse. being sheltered and little tide, i'm hoping to run a loop of line from the bow, back to the wheelhouse so i can do it all from the side of the boat and not need to go up on the foredeck, then quick release to be off - however i've never done it - any pointers? diagrams? or is it a stupid idea? thanks!
  16. have ordered some wagglers and split shot - now do they like hovis or warburtons?
  17. good call - i bough ronaldo this week too!
  18. nice one - hope you bought lukaka and ronaldo....... killer lest week!
  19. awesome tips thanks guys! will order some wagglers - i have bubble floats on board, and even thought about a cork for that natural look, might try again one evening. any particular time of day or state of tide in a marina? they seem more active at low water in the shallows - but not sure if that's because i can see them better!
  20. update - I did do a number of things but amazingly it hasn't rained enough yet to see if what i've done has helped! I tasted the bilge water and then the marina to compare saltyness - and amazingly lived to tell the tale - not worried about my bilge but Weymouth marina tasted awful - bilge no where near as salty. while its been dry for a few weeks I have used the boat - but had no more water in the bilge so can rule out it coming in from below. So to combat the rain: I stuck the hatch seal back in with silicone sealant, and re-sealed the glass - is now a bugger to close single handed as the seal is now proud! I sealed all round where the wheelhouse joins the deck I scraped off the flakey varnish and re-varnished the wheelhouse sides and front i put the cover on more taut than before and have enquired about a better fitting new PVC cover. I still plan to put a strip across the wheelhouse roof to divert any rain flowing back under the cover into the cockpit i'll await a rainy saturday and go sit in it and hunt for drips!
  21. not sure yet - amazingly it hasn't rained enough yet to see if what i've done has helped! But I did do a number of things - I tasted the bilge water and then the marina to compare saltyness - and amazingly lived to tell the tale - not worried about my bilge but Weymouth marina tasted awful - bilge no where near as salty. while its been dry for a few weeks I have used the boat - but had no more water in the bilge so can rule out it coming in from below. So to combat the rain: I stuck the hatch seal back in with silicone sealant, and re-sealed the glass - is now a bugger to close single handed as the seal is now proud! I sealed all round where the wheelhouse joins the deck I scraped off the flakey varnish and re-varnished the wheelhouse sides and front i put the cover on more taut than before and have enquired about a better fitting new PVC cover. I still plan to put a strip across the wheelhouse roof to divert any rain flowing back under the cover into the cockpit i'll await a rainy saturday and go sit in it and hunt for drips!
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